What's The Deal With Toxic Masculinity And How Is Basically Calling A Fella A Man's Man Supposed To Be An Insult?


On the dark side of the moon
The lack of an opinion is an opinion. Just like not making a choice is making a choice.
According to these people my toxic levels of masculinity should probably give me 6 more months left to live. Goodbye Cruel World.

I guess the meek actually do inherit the Earth but please don't mispronoun the next generation of leaders.


Top 10 Toxic Masculinity behaviors

    • Being stoic

    Men are constantly given the message that they must be self-reliant, independent, physically tough etc. Men are told that to be this way will make them successful in terms of business, society, and finding a partner. Being vulnerable will cause men to be ridiculed.[1] [2] [3]

    • Being promiscuous

    Typically, men will be praised by other men for sexual conquests. There is a well-known double standard regarding perceptions of male versus female promiscuity with men being praised by their peers and called ‘studs’ while rejecting women who have multiple partners and branding them ‘sluts’.[4]

    • Championing heterosexuality as the unalterable norm

    Many men are programmed to react negatively to the concept of homosexuality as it is a sign of deviating from the traditional male stereotype. Through popular rhetoric and from an early age when boys are learning about gender roles, men are taught that to be homosexual is to be less masculine.[5]

    • Being violent

    Statistically, men commit significantly more violent crime than women. There are numerous reasons for this, but there are clear links between male instigated violence and the need men have to use aggression and violence to prove their masculinity and bolster confidence in their masculine identity.[6] [7]

    • Being dominant

    To be preoccupied with power and dominance to a point that it causes harm to others, such as verbal, physical and online bullying. One study found that over a quarter of men thought they should have the final word in relationships, over a third of men believed that they had the right to know where their female partner was at all times.[8]

    • Sexual aggression towards women

    Men who conform to toxic masculinity standards are more likely to make sexual comments or sexist jokes to women, commit sexual harassment, accept rape myths and behave as if they are entitled to women’s bodies.[8][9]

    • Not displaying emotion

    Emotion is treated as being a feminine characteristic. Stifling emotion is seen as true manliness. From childhood, males are shamed to conform with the standard that to show emotion is weak and feminine.[10] [11] [12]

    • Not being a feminist ally

    It is unsurprising that the overly masculine would reject men who identify as the allies of feminists. Research shows that men engaging in feminist activism are the targets of harassment by men who prescribe to toxic masculinity as it is perceived as feminine and non-conformist to toxic masculinity.[13]

    • Risk-taking

    Connected to male dominance, toxic masculinity encourages taking risks to demonstrate dominance, men who buy into this are more likely to take extreme measures such as perpetrate violence, drive dangerously, gamble, abuse drugs.[14]

    • Not engaging in household chores and caregiving

    Again, housework and childrearing are seen as feminine qualities. Being asked to do a feminine deemed task such as housework, or worse, a man being criticised by a woman for not cleaning appropriately is often interpreted as an emasculating assault and provokes a masculine overcompensation response.[15]
I still have 5 1/2 months left to live. While I'm here could someone tell me what the heck Mansplaining is and who was the dingy broad that invented the term? I used to think Manspreading was smearing my hot goop over a lady's face until I learned it was just how fellas normally sit in a chair.
Mansplaining: the explanation of something by a man, typically to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.
Because of toxic masculinity, decisions are made today by obese white middle-aged women.


(Feminist Saara Särmä)
I think toxic masculinity is just bullying and raping and abuse of power - that pretty much sums it up. All the other stuff on that list is just annoying things, not really toxic things.

Also, pig culture and policing is toxic masculinity too since it embodies the above too.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Ralphie watching from the window laughing is a good example of toxic masculinity.

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Ralphie watching from the window laughing is a good example of toxic masculinity.

I haven't watched this series, but just from judging from the video, that girl looked like trying to use Ralphie to protect her and that Ralphie didn't care very much about her anyways - so why would it be toxic masculinity to laugh at her when her plans to get out of playing people back backfire?

If it wasn't an Italian guy and instead a big black lesbian wanting to be paid back would it change things or if Ralphie was a lesbian chick instead of a guy?