What's the big deal with interracial??

I sound like another guy who was here before?? Yet you can't hear my voice...you can't see me...I never even said I was a guy....and what makes you think I'm British?

^^Watch and learn...

The truth is these guys are liars...COLOUR certainly DOES matter...

English speaking Americans don't spell color "colour"....There are people from other English speaking countries that do. Can you name a couple?

And yet these are the same guys that say "Oh why do they call it IR in the first place, it's just porn"??@**@!

Do you guys get me??

I myself am black, but I know for a fact that most of the guys here (and watch porn even) are white...

^^If you specify most of the 'guys' here are white but just say you are black...wouldn't the lack of specificity in your claim imply you are a black (guy)? (i.e. I myself am black but I know .....most of the {other} guys here are white.)

:anonymous Give it up.

Fine....I'm a troll...
Adios....(P.S. - Post replies all you want...I ain't reading it!!).

Your best statements since you flared up here.:hatsoff:


Closed Account
i dont really get it as a genre of porn. i like alot of interracial scenes cause they have guys with huge cocks destroying skinny teens, or hot as fuck black girls with big ass and thighs but the actual colour of the participants i could car less about. i think ebony is a stranger catagory because its not like you really ever see "white girls" as a catagory in porn, theres seems to be alot of implicit and explicit racism in porn anyways.
hey, am I a racist if I like black dick best? I mean, what if I really think it is better as a general rule than other race's dicks?


Closed Account

sometimes it's like Groundhog day around here

"So whats with the obsession with anal?

"Whats up with interracial?"

etc etc

AGREED. And as a person who doesn't like anal it is demanded of girls wayyyyyy more than ir & I am most certain that the girls(porn stars) can vouch for that. They are bombarded with anal request(if they don't do it) than IR.

But both are tiresome.