Why does it matter soooo much to some people whether a person does IR or not??
If she doesn't then she's racist...However isn't that person THEMSELVES racist for wanting her to do it anyway??
It matters to some people because consumers of these movies want to see people who look like them work with the female performers. And that also goes for why some don't want to see these women perform with other ethnicities.
If a girl doesn't work with a certain race she might be racist, but to determine that you'd have to know their motives.
And from what I've seen there are a few women in the industry who don't work with Blacks because they're explicitly racist, but many don't because they don't have to, as Blacks make up a small percentage of the population and they can get away with the discrimination.
And of course if Blacks were 40% of the population you'd see a lot less dodging occurring.