What's on your TV or desktop (your wallpaper)


Re: Whats on your desktop

Atlas 316 said:
The pic I posted last week wasn't allowed due to posting rules...which is right...so here's the link...


:confused: :eek:

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it won't let us click on the link. It returns with this error message:

A Hotlinking Error Has Occured!

We have detected a hotlinking error. Hotlinking is when you link to images or NON html files on o-f.com from another host. Hotlinking is not allowed for our FREE Accounts. Hotlinking is allowed for our paid accounts. Your account can be upgraded in the user section when you have logged in.



Closed Account
Re: Whats on your desktop

AsianxxxChick said:
:confused: :eek:

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but it won't let us click on the link. It returns with this error message:

Copying and pasting worked for me:thumbsup:
Re: Post your desktop!

sunuva bitch! lol why couldn't I find those myself? I searched and searched... I have a feeling the search option doesn't work too well.

oh well close this thread... sorry sorry sorry


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