Don't you mean The Mountain? Not so much! :wave: L3ggy
HeartBroker Aug 6, 2010 #181 L3ggy said: Don't you mean The Mountain? Click to expand... Not so much! :wave: L3ggy
Ace Bandage The one and only. Aug 7, 2010 #187 Nothing. I'm in bum around clothes because Saturday is cleaning day. Normally though, I'll have my keys, wallet, and iPhone.
Nothing. I'm in bum around clothes because Saturday is cleaning day. Normally though, I'll have my keys, wallet, and iPhone.
Moonchild22 Aug 27, 2010 #195 My hand, feeling to see if anything is in my pocket. Well there's a tissue. I have allergies so that's normal.
My hand, feeling to see if anything is in my pocket. Well there's a tissue. I have allergies so that's normal.
M Member442 Aug 30, 2010 #197 a pocket vibrator well actually they call it a purse vibrator but it fits in your pocket too.
Ace Bandage The one and only. Sep 2, 2010 #200 Wallet, phone, keys, pay stub, and hall passes. Somebody is too lazy to change out of his work clothes. :o I'm way too overdressed to be lounging on the couch...
Wallet, phone, keys, pay stub, and hall passes. Somebody is too lazy to change out of his work clothes. :o I'm way too overdressed to be lounging on the couch...