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"I can not believe I just sucked the dick of a guy wearing a scarf and leather jacket" - "this is a new low even for me"
You didn't complain the other night when I Wankel'd your rotary engine, dam it I'm not a mechanic I didn't know a lack of oil make's it burn up.
I don't know any joke. I myself become a joke when someone enters the room when I'm watching sex.. huhuh not funny. I hate their laughter. Then a fight begins...
James: " due to the hour, only i want the 10 points "

Richard: " Me too "
James (thinking): I have my ticket for Miss FreeOnes party,it is good that I could hide from Richard,so do not make me look bad with all the girls who will be there,especially with Sara Jay and Vicky Vette.
Richard (screaming): Where were James? I was looking,I got tickets for Miss FreeOnes party,I know you will be very pleased to go together,can you imagine you and I together with Sara Jay and Vicky Vette?
James (thinking): ¡¡¡ Oh Noooooooooooo !!!

Richard: I can go ten days without sleep.
James: How can you do that?
Richard: Easy, I sleep at night...