What's Beyond This Universe

I have heard the Universe might be definate instead of indifinite. Example like a soccer ball shape. If this is the case, Theres has to be something beyond space. The universe follows the same rales as we do everyday and why wouldn't it?

How i see it is, your looking at a pc screen, that screen is in a room, that room is in a building, the building is on the planet, the planit is in the solur system, the solur sytem is in the galaxy and the galaxy is in the universe and so on

So why would it stop there?? there must be something beyond what we know at this point, we just don't know how to see it yet.

Just hope we don't end up blowing our selfs up before we find out!
The thing that i can't start to get my head round is, i'm sure there is somthing beyond the universe, and there is something beyond that and so on, layer after layer like the pc screen in the room. But for that layer after layer to happen where is it all???

Think of it like an onion (bear with me ) you and the pc screen is at the center of the onion and the layers over it are the planet and the universe and so on....... where is the onion to begin with? where is it sitting so it can excist?

And why/how the universe came into existence in the first place.:confused:

Lets here your ideas.
There is no "outside the universe". There's nothing, and not nothing as in empty space, but nothing as in no space or time for the emptiness to exist in. Likewise with what there was before the universe; there was no before. If there is "something" beyond, it is something we can't perceive or explain and I'm quite confident we never will, because whatever that might be, it transcends existence.

How it came to be; your guess is as good as mine. Big Bang can explain how the universe was created, but not really what triggered it. I'm quite sure we're never gonna find that one out either.
So your saying there is NOTHING, no time, no space, just nothing!

So then beyond the universe there is nothing, no time no light etcetera right?,
Also we have a Black holes in our universe. they've theory that a black hole "sucks" all materials, light, time everything! So what's beyond the black holes?
I think that the answer is probaly same as the question of what's beyond the universe!
if beyond the universe've no time, no space etcetera then this doesn't work as a black hole?So maybe the universe is not expanding to be bigger as a balloon but to be smaller as a shrinking balloon?

There's a theory of Big bangs too; it started very little like a pencilpoint, after billions of years it's now billionXbillionXbillion lightyears big. So what was around it in the beginning of the Big bang as a pencilpoint?, This question is same as the question of what's beyond the universe too I think.
Maybe there were more pencilpoints/big bangs too?, Then our BIG universe will be very small for the human thinking! It's just like one football between millions footballs lol.

Or maybe the universe is finite in size and if you were to set off in a space ship you would eventually come back to where you started. I don't know if I belive it or not but the idea of other universes then this one has crossed my mind more then once and its a hard idea to grasp. But lets just say this is the only universe, then there would be nothing beyond it. It's hard to say whats in the dark tho because you can not see. I am also sure there are thousands of opinons on what could be byond the universe and non can really said to be wrong, I would just use your imagination and try to come up with you own idea on whats beyond it, for its as acurate as the next person
Don't even try to figure it out. That's how religions got started and we don't need anymore of those or anymore adherents of the ones we currently have.
My mom used to tell me not to think of that or it would give me a headache and a tummy ache...

Science today says that alot of the universe is composed of "dark matter" for instance and the center of our own galaxy is beleived to be a super masssive black hole. It could be that there is a dimension that we are unaware of or are not able to percieve as of yet. Our understanding of the space-time is still in its infancy. We still can not go faster than the speed of light so as of now the majority of the universe is out of reach to us.

If the universe is indeed finite meaning there are limitations then what is "beyond" it or above it or before it, etc. may be of a nature we can't determine. I remember reading that in a few billion years or so (I would only be 70 then haha) the universe will collapse back in on itself after retracting. So it could be a process of creation and destruction (which breeds new creation) in an ever repeating process.

As to how or why it came to be depends on your religious beliefs and how you take science. I do beleive in God and that he created it (but he sure did make the universe big) so I beleive that God used the Big Bang to create us. The Bible says the Earth was created in seven days (but a day in God's time could be a eon or two) and science has dated the universe at a few billion years so I tend to merge my religious beleifs with that of science and evolution.
The D.A.L. universe exists in the in same space as ours. They are slightly out temporal sync with each other. That is how they are able to exists in the the same space.
So your saying there is NOTHING, no time, no space, just nothing!
So then beyond the universe there is nothing, no time no light etcetera right?,

Essentially, yes. There are no dimensions for things to exist in.

Also we have a Black holes in our universe. they've theory that a black hole "sucks" all materials, light, time everything! So what's beyond the black holes? I think that the answer is probaly same as the question of what's beyond the universe!
if beyond the universe've no time, no space etcetera then this doesn't work as a black hole?

Who are "they"? I'm asking, because "they" seem to have little to no idea what they are talking about. A black hole is a gravity well; a heavy celestial body (though I've only heard of stars having sufficient mass) that has collapsed in on itself because the the forces acting inwards (gravity) has exceeded the forces acting outwards (pressure etc). The result is a singularity, essentially an extremely small point in space with a massive gravity field around it. The black hole doesn't "suck" in matter, light or time at all, no more than any other celestial body would, it is just a very strong gravity field. A field strong enough to force the escape velocity to exceed the speed of light beyond the event horizon, true, but that's all. And yes, there is a time dilation effect at black holes, but once again, it's caused by the massive gravity field, not magic. If you theoretically went beyond the event horizon and somehow could perceive anything in there, I doubt it'd be very interesting.

So maybe the universe is not expanding to be bigger as a balloon but to be smaller as a shrinking balloon?

Oh, there are theories about that as well. Some predict that the universe will expand forever. Some that the gravitational pull will eventually cause the growth to stop, and some that it will shrink and eventually collapse in on itself (Big Crunch).

There's a theory of Big bangs too; it started very little like a pencilpoint, after billions of years it's now billionXbillionXbillion lightyears big. So what was around it in the beginning of the Big bang as a pencilpoint?, This question is same as the question of what's beyond the universe too I think.

As I previous said, I'm fairly certain we'll never find an answer to that. You can tell what happened the instant after the Big Bang, but not what caused it. No one is going to be able to give you an objective explanation to existence while being stuck within it.

Or maybe the universe is finite in size and if you were to set off in a space ship you would eventually come back to where you started. I don't know if I belive it or not but the idea of other universes then this one has crossed my mind more then once and its a hard idea to grasp. But lets just say this is the only universe, then there would be nothing beyond it. It's hard to say whats in the dark tho because you can not see.

What the hell are you talking about?
Scientists always say the universe is expanding, ive always wanted to know what its expending into, there must be something there maybe just white space like you see in cartoons when the universe dissapears
The universe is supposed to be everything ever, there can't be anything outside of the universe because I don't think there is an end to it, its way too confusing to imagine.
Yeah in the centre of every galaxy is in fact a super massive black
A few hundred years ago we did not even know the earth was round, our minds right now cannot fathom the shape or size or how many dimensions the universes may have.

Maybe there are an infinite number of other universa together with ours, in a multiverse. Or, maybe this universe is an especially cooled down and "condensed" area in some infinite area. Maybe our universe is a fourdimensional soccerball in a fivedimensional space. But, then again, our universe may be all that exist, all that ever was or ever will be. In other words, I'm not sure if anyone really knows.
But its expanding and one day will collapse on itself leaving nothing but radiation and thats all no life at all. Freaky

Yeah but humanity will be long gone before anything like that happens and youll be in the ground " a meal for the worms ":D
But its expanding and one day will collapse on itself leaving nothing but radiation and thats all no life at all. Freaky

That's what scientists call the "Big Crunch." Well, until they found out the universe was expanding very quickly and it's actually speeding up. Now they're rethinking it.

As far as what's out there past our universe, who's to say? Some say there are multi-verses (many o' universe) which, IMO, seems like the best candidate for an answer. Think of it like the bubble in a bubble bath and each bubble is it's own universe. Albeit, on a grander scale. Again, I think this is the most likely answer and I think we're fooling ourselves if we think there was only 1 Big Bang that happened out in the middle of nothing.

Others think there is nothing outside our universe which is another probable and most accepted idea. If you think about the fundamentals of how it works and why scientists came up with this theory, it's really quite simple: there was nothing before the Big Bang and it's continually expanding into what we have today. It wasn't a giant BOOM and then *BAM*... all of the nothingness is immediately filled by time, space and matter. It's still traveling. The best analogy I can come up with is that if you pour a bucket of water in the middle of the floor, the floor is not immediately filled with water; it takes time to reach each corner. Though, in nothing, there are no limitations like corners that we know of... and if that is the case, then the Big Bang will continue it journey until matter (i.e., galaxies, stars, etc.) is spread so far apart and can't renew itself when a star goes supernova. Of course that's where dark matter comes into play, but that is another story.

I don't think we'll ever know to be honest. As most of us know, looking into space is looking back in time. So, it's pretty much impossible since, shortly after the Big Bang happened, a stage of opacity that lasted for a few hundred thousand years happened if I recall correctly. That means it would be impossible to see through and would be the limitation of our seeing any farther. Anything we could possible create (unless something is invented a few hundred thousand years from now that would allow us to see through this ) would make it impossible to see through this point in space. Besides, there would be no point beyond the Big Bang to focus on because nothing is there. It would be like putting a piece of construction paper in front of your eyes. You can only see to the construction paper and cannot see what is behind it.
Yeah in the centre of every galaxy is in fact a super massive black

I think it's just spiral galaxies that have a super massive black hole. I'm not 100% sure on that as I've not read much on astronomy in the past couple of years. Just when Yahoo! puts something about some random event at NASA in the headlines lol.
I know but its strange to think that no life will be left at all in the universe

I personally haven't heard this anywhere, but I think that there will be a time when there is actually nothing again. No life, no matter and no time. The death of a star is the future creation of other stars once enough matter coalesces and heats up. This matter is gathered from other stars that have died. In order to gather that 'other matter,' star nurseries have to be somewhat close (keep in mind we're talking about the universe here and there's noway to determine how far away 'somewhat close' actually is... but we do know that is a vast distance according to us). But once each the galaxies spread so far apart due to the acceleration of the universe, and all the stars in a galaxy run out of the building blocks they need to create, how will new stars form? It will be kind of hard if the matter needed to create a new star is too far away to be of use.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on it. But who knows? I think the only way we'll ever get answers is if there is a God (or supreme being) that can give us these answers. Then again, if we have all the answers, what fun would living be?


what the fuck you lookin at?
wow! Somebody is stoned! Anyway, this is way to deep for me! Unless i was stoned in which case I'd babble on for hours!