What're you drinking, right now?!

GENIUS said:
Stella Artois
Very ncie beer :)

Right now? It's Jim Beam Black on the rocks...
Liquid Cocaine, The Four Horsemen and Liquid Heroine...Try em!
Right now?

It's "a slice of lime soaked with 'bitters' with a sline of sugar standing by"

Hey, it's a surefire cure for hiccups! :)

Dro50 said:
Liquid Cocaine, The Four Horsemen and Liquid Heroine...Try em!
Nope, my friend. I stay away from all injectible or snortable drugs! :)

But I am NOT JUDGING! I believe in personal liberty and choice - to each his/her own!



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drdeath67 said:
You really love your Redbull don't you Rorys?;)

As for me, the usual...Dr Pepper!:D

Yeah! I can't live without it lol.. If I could marry Redbull.. I would :rofl:

Best combination is: Cherry Coke Redbull! That stuff makes me jump.. You can change Cherry Coke for Dr Pepper though :bowdown: