What You Think You Know About Sept. 11

I think there is something to do with terrorism that NOT created by Osama Bin Laden...is it Israel.....


Staff member
The 11th september attacks were made by persons who were at the same time radical islamists, western world haters and djihadists. For me 9/11 happened because of Clinton's irresponsibility.


Staff member
Georges, what would you do if it was proven, beyond any doubt, so that even you believed it, that 911 was comitted by insiders and had nothing to do with Islamic terrorists. What would your reaction be.

9/11 was never started by insiders and people claiming so are totally wrong and lie. The fact is that the hijackers were members of Al Quaeda not something else. Your theory of 9/11 comitted by insiders makes no sense because the WTC was bombed a first time by Al Quaeda, the USS Cole was also bombed by Al Quaeda and the American Ambassy in Nairobi was also bombed by Al Quaeda. All these three events were predicting that something could happen but unfortunately Clinton did nothing to arrest Al Quaeda when he had an opportunity to do it.
My question to you is what would insiders gain by making such a thing? Nothing and I never believed in that theory because I know it is total bullshit.


9/11 was never started by insiders and people claiming so are totally wrong and lie. The fact is that the hijackers were members of Al Quaeda not something else. Your theory of 9/11 comitted by insiders makes no sense because the WTC was bombed a first time by Al Quaeda, the USS Cole was also bombed by Al Quaeda and the American Ambassy in Nairobi was also bombed by Al Quaeda. All these three events were predicting that something could happen but unfortunately Clinton did nothing to arrest Al Quaeda when he had an opportunity to do it.
My question to you is what would insiders gain by making such a thing? Nothing and I never believed in that theory because I know it is total bullshit.

Good post.

But, you know Georges, people often prefer to believe in conspiracies and shadows. It's absolutely the same as belonging to secret clubs and societies - people like to have their secrets and think they know more.

The thing that always gets me about the conspiracists, is that the other 99% of the time, they rattle off how incompetent and idiotic governments (especially the US admins) are.... but then want to believe that the same administrations can pull of the huge black conspiracies without a single person from the inside ever coming out to blow a whistle....or even elude to it. Whistle blowers and people with heavy consciences always rise to the surface and there are plenty of old astronauts that could have come forward and say they filmed in Studio City.....;) Where are they then?

Smoke-n-mirrors - it's too easy to take unrelated "facts" and even facts and try to piece them together to prove a point. They'll turn that statement back on me, but I don't have the need to think that the world is controlled by a puppetmaster(s).

Masons? Skull and Bones? Please.
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Staff member
Some of you need to watch this documentary, it goes into details how 911 was a inside job by the US government to declare war on Afganistan, and Iraq for oil.

And apparently this was a part of the New World Order.

That remembered me a debate I had in the past about Farenheit, with which osuces was made the movies, were those source official or unofficial? Many people like to make speculation and pass them for facts, for me things that are speculations or based on a single person's opinion like Michael Moore's movies have not much value.
Some people made speculations onreagan but many of these speculations were lies. So I don't base my opinion on speculations because if I did so I would be very wrong and my opinion wouldn't be valid and credible.
I don't believe 9-11 was started by insiders, like Fox, but I do believe that the CIA & FBI knew in advance it was going to happen & miserably failed (aren't they supposed to be the best security/secret services in the world since the fall of the Soviet Union & thus the KGB?).

Also, I don't believe it's all Clinton's fault. Georges keeps saying that he should have handled Al Qaeda & that he didn't. I have to agree with the 'he didn't' part, but neither did Bush before 9-11. (& he had been in office for 8 months by then)
The thing that always gets me about the conspiracists, is that the other 99% of the time, they rattle off how incompetent and idiotic governments (especially the US admins) are.... but then want to believe that the same administrations can pull of the huge black conspiracies without a single person from the inside ever coming out to blow a whistle....or even elude to it. Whistle blowers and people with heavy consciences always rise to the surface and there are plenty of old astronauts that could have come forward and say they filmed in Studio City.....;) Where are they then?

Sorry BNF, this must be the only post till date, where I'm going to disagree with you.

By conspiracists, you must be meaning, the persons who dwell on the theory of conspiracy.

Will you please be kind enough to point out a single, and I mean single, socio-political event that changed the perspective of the world, like start & finish of WW I & II; without a conspiracy?

USA's war against terrorism is also such an event.

Do you know what was the training ground of budding terrorists? It was Afganisthan & Indo-Pak border.

Who actually funded them?

I've stated that not once but several times. It was USA through Pakisthan. Today Bush is crying hoarse against Al-Queda. Bin Laden was the god-child of USA, provided with funds to raise Taliban. Taliban was used by USA against Russia.

And you know where the training camps were? In Pak-occupied Kashmir. How they honed their skill? By cross-border terrorism in Punjab of India in the name of Khalisthan.

Which countries provided shelter & funds for the Khalisthanis? USA, UK & to an extent Canada. These are facts and there is no speculation involved.

Speculation starts afterwards.

Why US started the war against terrorism only after 9/11? Didn't they they know it existed in several other parts of the world?

Its too easy to see Bush separately from Clinton. Don't you see the continuation of the basic word-policy of USA?

If somebody speculates that whether Bin Laden is still in the US group, then I think he has a justified base to speculate upon.

Every time Laden was rocketed by US, he lived because he left only a few minutes before. It must have been a coincidence everytime.

And for last few years the abortive search for Osama is something that also brings a lot of questions in mind. In these days of high-tech survilience gadgets, satelite-imagery no one is able to see Osama any where, but you can see your own house @ Google-Earth or @ Wikimapia.

Any way I rest my speculation here.

Regards BNF.

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Georges, what would you do if it was proven, beyond any doubt, so that even you believed it, that 911 was comitted by insiders and had nothing to do with Islamic terrorists. What would your reaction be.

Your actually suggesting that we attacked our own country? I just don't understand you. I know you hate the United States but christ your reaching far on this one.


Closed Account
What everyone is not taking stock in is the obvious. While everyone continues to debate, calculate and opinionate. We will never know exactly the who, what, when and where of this or many other tragedies in the world. Just like the conspiracy theories of the past "Kennedy" "King" "Nixon Watergate" it will forever remain a topic of conversation and source of stress for those curious and unsatisfied people. Thinking, analyzing, and studying is what keeps these things a source of stimulation and forever alive and in the forefront. As they all should be, because we must never forget.

As always though we are told bits and pieces. They (officials) will only let us know what they want us to know. Leaks here and there, contradicting statements bring to mind the "baffle them with bullshit" quote. They are good at it. There is no way we can sift through all that crap.

We do need to concentrate more on not repeating history though I feel, if we don't learn from these things we will be doomed to repeat them. Like the world is waiting/trying to name "WW3" damn do we really need to do it again? I think not, two was enough. While I know we will never "forget" I think more energy of the people and the brilliance of so many great minds is best served right now to prevent more loss, rather than rehashing what is already done. As they say, whats done is done.

IMHO only of course.
We do need to concentrate more on not repeating history though I feel, if we don't learn from these things we will be doomed to repeat them. Like the world is waiting/trying to name "WW3" damn do we really need to do it again? I think not, two was enough. While I know we will never "forget" I think more energy of the people and the brilliance of so many great minds is best served right now to prevent more loss, rather than rehashing what is already done. As they say, whats done is done.

IMHO only of course.

great words Lady. I :bowdown: . Thanks


the things you listed are not conspiracies and didn't start out as such. Mostly, they show the consequences of frequently changing administrations and policies, but I think, even more so, the things you listed show a massive and continuous misunderstanding, if not ignorance, of an entire government(s) with a poor world view.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I know that it was a tragic event, with many deaths and people who suffered. And I still feel sad when I think about it. And my company was planning on movie to WTC2, 8 months prior and I would have had to move there, but then 2 months before, they decided not to relocate.
But then I also know...
Turns out that quite a few of the "terrorists" involved in flying the planes are still alive. Found by the news media days after the 11th in their respective places of origin, many had their passports stolen in the months prior. The was brushed under the rug.
United still has the planes that hit shanksville and one of the WTC's still on active duty and people have seen those planes, by noticing the tailnumbers which do no pass on from plane to plane.
All the video camera footage from around the Pentagon was taken for National Security reasons. And the Pentagon, the hub of our Nations Defense has one useable image of something blurry going past. That's the only camera???
Why did the guy who bought the WTC property, take out a huge terrorism clause on the insurance days before it happened.
Why were all the security and bomb sniffing dogs pulled from the property days before it happened.
Why did WTC7 fall, when it only housed Government buildings and the other buildings around it did do the same.
There's so much more, so many loose ends and things that make you wonder.

Now don't get me wrong, I fully support our troops, but not so much the current Administrations way of going about things.
But I also believe that we were all caught up in the fever to blame, and extract revenge, and turned a blind eye to what could be the truth.

Just my :2 cents:


Closed Account
after seeing http://www.wtc7.net/ i find it hard to see why WTC7 collapsed without the use of explosives.

Also, i don't believe the pentagon was hit by a plane..... One of the most heavily guarded buildings in America... And not one single clear video of a giant plane hitting it? yeah. right.
after seeing http://www.wtc7.net/ i find it hard to see why WTC7 collapsed without the use of explosives.

Also, i don't believe the pentagon was hit by a plane..... One of the most heavily guarded buildings in America... And not one single clear video of a giant plane hitting it? yeah. right.

So what if they did use explosives to knock it down. The building was damaged severly from rubble and fire. I don't think NYC wanted more people walking into a building to check the damage only to have it fall apart on more of her citizens. It was pretty fucked up anyway. Better to knock it down and start fresh at a new one. If any of you had been to Ground Zero or seen the pictures on TV there were huge drapes covering the sides of some of those buildings to hide the damage and to stop the risk of falling objects.

So what hit the Pentagon? A missle like some people say. Don't you think somewhere someone would have seen a jet firing a missle over our own soil. Don't you think that anyone on the ground would have seen it flying overhead and hit the building? Baseless accusations. I guess I'm the lone American who actually still believes what their government tells them.
I blame Bush, AL Qaeda and Global Warming for 9/11.

I think that it's time we got our heads out of our asses and let this whole thing go. Then again, I still hear stories that we didnt really land on the moon in 1969.


Closed Account
So what if they did use explosives to knock it down. The building was damaged severly from rubble and fire. I don't think NYC wanted more people walking into a building to check the damage only to have it fall apart on more of her citizens. It was pretty fucked up anyway. Better to knock it down and start fresh at a new one. If any of you had been to Ground Zero or seen the pictures on TV there were huge drapes covering the sides of some of those buildings to hide the damage and to stop the risk of falling objects.

So what hit the Pentagon? A missle like some people say. Don't you think somewhere someone would have seen a jet firing a missle over our own soil. Don't you think that anyone on the ground would have seen it flying overhead and hit the building? Baseless accusations. I guess I'm the lone American who actually still believes what their government tells them.

1) They claim the WTC7 building fell down because of the terrorist attacks. (The only building of its size/structure, to ever fall because of a few minor fires, might i add) This was almost straight after the attacks... so how could they of got the explosives into the building to destroy it that fast?
unless of course.... they knew :thumbsup:

2) Dont you think someone would of also seen a plane?... Dont you think someone would of also had video evidence?...
The only video camera that caught it was in a gas station, and some men in suits apparently made sure that video was hidden from the rest of the world.

I know these are only conspiracies, but are they REALLY that farfetched? in this day in age? in America. They might be wrong, but jesus, open your eyes...
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