The thing that always gets me about the conspiracists, is that the other 99% of the time, they rattle off how incompetent and idiotic governments (especially the US admins) are.... but then want to believe that the same administrations can pull of the huge black conspiracies without a single person from the inside ever coming out to blow a whistle....or even elude to it. Whistle blowers and people with heavy consciences always rise to the surface and there are plenty of old astronauts that could have come forward and say they filmed in Studio City.....
Where are they then?
Sorry BNF, this must be the only post till date, where I'm going to disagree with you.
By conspiracists, you must be meaning, the persons who dwell on the theory of conspiracy.
Will you please be kind enough to point out a single, and I mean single, socio-political event that changed the perspective of the world, like start & finish of WW I & II; without a conspiracy?
USA's war against terrorism is also such an event.
Do you know what was the training ground of budding terrorists? It was Afganisthan & Indo-Pak border.
Who actually funded them?
I've stated that not once but several times. It was USA through Pakisthan. Today Bush is crying hoarse against Al-Queda. Bin Laden was the god-child of USA, provided with funds to raise Taliban. Taliban was used by USA against Russia.
And you know where the training camps were? In Pak-occupied Kashmir. How they honed their skill? By cross-border terrorism in Punjab of India in the name of Khalisthan.
Which countries provided shelter & funds for the Khalisthanis? USA, UK & to an extent Canada. These are facts and there is no speculation involved.
Speculation starts afterwards.
Why US started the war against terrorism only after 9/11? Didn't they they know it existed in several other parts of the world?
Its too easy to see Bush separately from Clinton. Don't you see the continuation of the basic word-policy of USA?
If somebody speculates that whether Bin Laden is still in the US group, then I think he has a justified base to speculate upon.
Every time Laden was rocketed by US, he lived because he left only a few minutes before. It must have been a coincidence everytime.
And for last few years the abortive search for Osama is something that also brings a lot of questions in mind. In these days of high-tech survilience gadgets, satelite-imagery no one is able to see Osama any where, but you can see your own house @ Google-Earth or @ Wikimapia.
Any way I rest my speculation here.
Regards BNF.