The story for those who doubt....
Had a girlfriend. Amazing body. Amazing breasts... sure a little asymmetric, but most are.
Turns out she had Poland's syndrome. Variable loss of muscle on one side... worst cases have a shorter arm or lack fingers. All she lacked was part of the pectoral muscle, so breasts were same, but left looked smaller.
We're serious. She insists on breast implants... right before the big scare about 'silicone poisoning'.
Long story short, the implant on that side shifted just a bit... there's a visible fold of it beneath the sking... didn't go away for more than a year, so she was just as hesitant to wear revealing clothes/ swim suits as she'd been...
WORSE, the nipple on that side had been 'the nipple'... you know, the side that just a little manipulation was her 'on' switch. No more. Unh uh. No innervation to that side for more than a year... made foreplay more work, & made sex frankly less enjoyable for her, & so made her less interested in having sex.
So while they can look great, beware... in relationships it's not just about how things look!