What would you rather have your children exposed to?

What do you want the kids' peepers to see? (if you had to)

  • Nudity

    Votes: 26 63.4%
  • Violence

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Either/Or

    Votes: 5 12.2%
  • None of that smut

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I remember years ago I was watching Braveheart with my dad (I was 10-11 at the time) and when the brief nudity scene came on, I felt like I had to turn away due to thinking he wouldn't want me to see a bare breast. He later on in the day told me that he'd much rather have me see a naked body than the violence I just saw throughout the movie (basically putting it "If I had to choose you to turn away from something it'd be the cutting off of heads and limbs than something that should be beautiful like a naked woman".) I still believe practically the same thing that he taught me but the rest of our american society, at least to the FCC, seems to think the opposite. What about you members? :dunno:


Closed Account
sex can create social deviance as much as violence. It all depends on the individual, and what level of influence the exposure has. Since everything we experience has an impact on our socialization, its really hard to answer. Our experiences in our lives produce positive and negative results in our personalities. And an overload of violence or sex is probably going to yield equally unwanted behavior...But if I had to choose I'd rather my kid was checking out some nice titties rather than watching some snuff films...attraction to the opposite sex (or i guess same sex as well) is a natural feeling. Killing somebody is (arguably) not...
Nudity. Now I'm not saying that I'd sit them in front of the TV and put a porno on. What I am saying is that if we were watching a PG-13 movie (sometimes they might have the occasional nude scene), I'm not going to freak out.

I've never understood why parents go crazy if breasts are shown on the screen, but if the Terminator was killing everybody in sight, nobody tries to shield their kids from it.
naked people are far less of an issue than people killing people any day of the week in my book...of course i'd rather neither but definitely nudity of the two
Mild nudity > mild violence > hard porn, brutal violence (which is IMHO totally inadmissible for a kid). But there is nothing wrong with naked human body.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
No-Brainer. Nudity.

Being nude around the house, or going to a nudist beach is very good for people's body image and self-esteem. You see a lot of different people and all kinds of body forms and they all are comfortable with themselves.

Prevents a LOT of eating disorders and the dire urge to artificially enhace or rework what is perfectly good in the first place, if you work out a bit and not look at fast food franchise as places to eat.


Official Checked Star Member
Nudity. My kids are going to grow up knowing what the human body looks like and penises, vagina's and breasts are going to be as normal as arms, legs and feet. There IS however, a difference between children seeing a naked body and knowing what its for (ie. penis is to pee out of, breasts are to feed children) and seeing a sex scene in a movie and exposing them to the sexual side of our anatomy. THAT lesson, can wait until they're older and start hitting puberty.
In ancient as well as today's indigenous cultures that haven't been influenced much by Western Culture, aboriginal children are usually exposed to nudity more so than violence
Nudity. Only in America can we stigmatize nudity. Shit, we can't have a mother breast feeding her baby in a park without causing some fucking controversy. :mad:
Nudity. Only in America can we stigmatize nudity. Shit, we can't have a mother breast feeding her baby in a park without causing some fucking controversy. :mad:

That's true. The Dumbfukastanis want us to go from the Jetsons to the Flinstones


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I will keep my kids free of filth by sending them off to Catholic school while I'm at work.
I grew up watching R rated movies with lots of violence and T&A and I'm just fine. Like, for example, a movie called "Hardbodies", typical 80's T&A comedy, saw it when I was 10. I'd let my boys watch T&A, that way they can grow up straight. :D