It sounds to me, like you're a normal girl, with a normal sex life.
The kind of person that sells out of state...some breeders take great care to make sure their animals are well treated, but obviously scum bags exist. Even so, a day or two of living in a shipping crate, only to find out you've hit the loving owner lottery. We just got another cat from the APL...her name is Harley actually...because my wife hated the name they gave her. God it was a great name! She hit the lottery, she'll never want anything again, and all she had to do was live in a little cage for a couple of weeks.
I've noticed have been A LOT, of silly requests...I'm sure all in good fun, just to be playful, so I'm going to go out on a limb, and shoot for something different.
Get naked, smile pretty for the camera, show us your holes, and play with them.
Her name was "Fuzzbutt". What a great fucking name is that?!?! I so wanted to keep it, but, the wife just couldn't deal with it. Harley was the only one we could agree on.