Yeah, sure looks like she's fakin' it to me too.
Her first cancer surgery was a couple of years ago. She got sick again fairly recently, but can't afford the follow-up treatments, because she doesn't have (and can't get) health insurance. Other than charity, her only other option is to get sick enough (probably near death) that she can *maybe* get on disability, and then she can get Medicaid to cover her care.
In addition to asking for donations, she's actually put herself out there to do some pretty desperate things (IMO) to raise money for her treatments. So no, I don't think she's lying at all. I've interacted with her quite often over the years, though we're hardly friends or buddies, and I've always found her to be a pretty cool girl. Why would she guarantee herself a felony fraud conviction and jail time by faking something like this?! It's not like she's low profile and would be that hard for the D.A. to find.
But if you're so sure of yourself, call the A.G.'s office in Arizona and report her. You shouldn't mind providing them with your name and address.
Somebody will be getting a visit from the state police... I can tell you that.