What was your college experience like?

Sometimes I wish I was in community college, I didn't have fun last time I was there (I had a 40 hour job). I never got invited to the parties. I miss the easy access to females and the everyday interaction you get when you are in class. Single women are hard to come by in my world right now.
Never went to college. Just been a working man since 16 yrs of age. Occasionally I would sell coke to get the material things I want. Selling coke would also get me in the frat parties at UTSA, St. Mary's, Trinity and Incarnate Word Universities. History and Discovery Channel, as well as google were my resources to learning. So in a sense I went to street college and it didn't charge a dime, well jail time if I got caught, but other than that, no money out of my pocket. I do feel bad for the young adults that now owe 100 grand to their schools and couldn't get a job with those degrees. It's times like this that I wish I was selling coke again to help ease their frustration in life.

i'm proud to say that my time spent partying at college didn't put me into debt. i was broke out of college, but not in debt.


Closed Account
i'm proud to say that my time spent partying at college didn't put me into debt. i was broke out of college, but not in debt.

I see, you got an Associate Degree. At least you knew your limitations.
I see, you got an Associate Degree. At least you knew your limitations.

oh, no degree i lost focus way before that haha. no i only went for a year then i quit, bummed around for a bit then got a job in a small auto shop and now i'm self employed and loving it. no boss, my own hours and still no debt and no overhead. minus taxes i have no major business expenses.
moar liek lollage.

Hmmm. Assignments are posted online and I have all the books I need to study at home. Why the fuck would I ever attend class except to try and get laid? College was a joke. I swear they intentionally let slackers like me graduate to meet some sort of quota. And I graduated twice. Go figure. Granted, both courses are wack and I want nothing to do with them, but it shouldn't be so easy to graduate. When we did decide to go to class, we usually played pool and got drunk first.

On an semi related note, one of my professors was also a bartender at a bar I use to frequent. He made more money bartending. Sad.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I was lucky on the money end. Only had to pay back a few grand after graduation. It was easy to get grants and going to a state school cut the costs. I was getting benefits from my late father's social security till I turned 21 as long as I went to school. Plus I hooked up with a job on campus with the food service. Saturday and Sunday early mornings I would crack eggs, lay out bacon and sausage, and slice a shit load of cold cuts for 3 hours in the morning for the main dining hall. Easy shit and no contact with my boss. Just worked off of my list.

Now 6 hours is not much money considering that I had to be there at 6 AM after going to town. But the thing was that my foot was in the door. I could now pick up extra hours at any of the food service places around campus. Kids were always calling out and I would always show my face in the main office to pick up those extra hours. Wash dishes, make sandwiches, serve on a food line. Simple shit. I made more money with those extra hours than with my 6 little hours in the mornings.

I also got into the media center. What a racket that was. There was all of the tape and film being used throughout the campus. I was a communications student so easy in. Jobs are posted on a board throughout the week and you sign up for them. Grab your AV equipment and your media and make sure it plays. If there was a job in your class at any time you got the job automatically and paid for the entire class time. Not a bad deal when you are taking 3 hour film classes.
