What TV show are you a closet fan of?

Big Love - Happened upon an episode of it this afternoon and now I'm quite hooked. Watching it from the beginning now.
The OC -- I do, indeed, enjoy Autumn Reeser, too! Awesome soundtracks, and in general it was a good show!

Privileged was the biggest. I didn't let anyone know I watched it -- hah! I think JoAnna Garcia is hot, liked her in Reba, so I watched this show. The twins were hot. Sad it only lasted one season. So hard to keep shows on the air anymore. Especially new ones, and after only one season. Give it at least another season. If that shitty 90210 remake show is still on CW, keep Privileged damn it!

Ah well, anyhoo, those two shows are my fave guilty pleasure shows.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It's always sunny in Philadelphia, Top Gear, The Venture Bros, Breaking Bad, Weeds and Life.


Nikkala made me do it!
I was a fan of The OC as well ... but I like Gossip Girl (also written by Josh Schwartz) WAY better :shy: :D

Andronicus and Whimsy, you been watching GG? :dunno:
Breaking Bad, Weeds and Life.

I don't know how you can be a "closet fan" of these three series. I gladly and openly admit, that I likes these shows.
I thought, being a closet fan of someting meant, that you probably shouldn't admit freely and openly, that you like that something. Like I would never admit that I dig rubber doll Ecto-Porn with huge strap-o...oh shit...

But seriously, I know it's not a tv show, but saying that shows of any kind would count (internet shows as well): I'm a closet fan of Ultimate Surrender. Don't ask me why, as I don't know, but ever since the first episode with Tia Ling I'm into this. :D

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Andronicus and Whimsy, you been watching GG? :dunno:

Nope, never seen it. I've seen previews for it during One Tree Hill (damn it, there's another one) though. Is it worth taking a look at?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Snapped and Deadly Women. Watching these bitches fry warms the cockles of my dead black heart.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
I could tell you, but then you'd know I'm a closet Farscape fan.

I try to tell myself it's so bad that it's good.
But the truth is that I am, apparently, a nerd.