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what the truth----anal sex

I appreciate the links Blink. But let me just say that I don't find them to be conclusive. I hope that you can believe me when I say that I did read them (baring about the second half of the 28 page pdf) and not simply dismissed them off hand, but that trying to pick them apart would merely be an exercise in acting the devil's advocate, and I think that would be pointless.

I'm not saying that there it's necessarily healthy or risk-free, but I stand by my original statement.

Look, the thing to consider here is the larger context. Can the inverse of the above said to be true of anything? Not that I can think of.

Remember that we are talking about pornography here. On that note, I really don't think it can be said that jobs go without health-risks (I'd say the majority of them are downright bad for you, ask guys that have had to have back and knee surgery from heavy lifting on the job for years, or worse) but that people may or may not consider them as acceptable for the exchange of being able to provide a living.

Such is life. We do things that are bad for us because they ironically make us feel good. We will all end up in the ground some day and some people choose to rush that process in the aim of making the short time that they have better.


Closed Account
What exactly are you looking for, calpoon?

A "before and after anal sex" study on a number of receptive individuals, perhaps repeating the act over time and ensuring that other causative factors are ruled out? I doubt that anything like that will ever be done, because there would be liability issues for any injuries incurred during such an endeavor, especially if the coordinators wanted to study porn-style vigorous and fast-paced anal sex. Besides, per one proctologist, "different people have different levels of susceptibility to anal problems such as fissures" (and when he says anal, he means just that; pertinent to the anal canal and orifice, not anorectal nor rectal).

Anyway, anal sex has been clearly identified as the causative factor for various health issues. There are plenty of anecdotes online pointing that out. Teagan, for example, was hospitalized several times due to injuries from her anal sex scenes (see ref 7 in post 15). I posted a few more here.

Remember that we are talking about pornography here. On that note, I really don't think it can be said that jobs go without health-risks (I'd say the majority of them are downright bad for you, ask guys that have had to have back and knee surgery from heavy lifting on the job for years, or worse) but that people may or may not consider them as acceptable for the exchange of being able to provide a living.
How can people (pornstars and the public) consider the risks as acceptable when they're not even informed about all of them? Sure, STIs are pretty well covered, but the risks associated with physical trauma and their significance are not well-known, especially in the porn industry.
Wow Blink you have really done your homework and thoroughly answered the OPs question.. I personally like girls who do Anal but all the info posted is good to take into consideration.. Oh and some Rep is headed your way :thumbsup:


Closed Account
Physical trauma and tearing from anal intercourse (penis insertions only) can directly cause all of the following (primary) issues to develop:

Anal Fissure, Bleeding, Hemorrhoid, Incontinence, and Proctitis

Out of those primary risks, hemorrhoids[1] and incontinence are somewhat debatable as being direct risks. However, incontinence has been attributed to sexual trauma[2] and internal sphincter injury[3].

Indirectly, anal insertions are associated with these secondary risks:
Abscess, Fistula, Rectal Prolapse, Sentinel Pile, Sepsis (infection), Skin Tag, and Stenosis[4]

Incontinence is also a secondary risk. A sentinel pile is an externally-visible indication of an anal fissure. An anal skin tag is related to a regressed hemorrhoid or a regressed sentinel pile and may be confused with an anal stricture (from stenosis). Rectal prolapse (aka procidentia) can develop from hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidal disease, although that may be a rare occurrence[5].

1. http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/ddiseases/pubs/hemorrhoids/index.htm
2. "... surgical insult or trauma can also lead to incontinence. It is important to recognize that causes of trauma include sexual abuse and anal intercourse." (PDF from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine)
3. http://healthydevil.studentaffairs.duke.edu/health_info/Anal Stimulation and Intercourse.html
4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_the_doctor/analstenosis.shtml
5. "Occasionally, large hemorrhoids (large, swollen veins inside the rectum) may predispose the rectum to prolapse... Hemorrhoids occur commonly, but they rarely cause rectal prolapse."
ok...good reading
so what about these girls with the extreme insertions...and these giant butt plugs...and fisting
i dont know how they could intentionally hurt themselves knowing that problems will be with them forever....
anus transplant anyone?


Closed Account
so what about these girls with the extreme insertions...and these giant butt plugs...and fisting
Extreme insertions carry the same risks as anal intercourse plus potentially-fatal Rectal Perforation[1].

Gradually "training" the anus to stretch more over time, performing kegel exercises, and being very careful (going slow, using a lot of lube, avoiding numbing products, and stopping completely when there's pain) might reduce the risk of developing problems for the receptive person.

i dont know how they could intentionally hurt themselves knowing that problems will be with them forever....
Sexual masochism aside, I doubt that women intentionally seek to harm themselves. Rather, ignorance about the risks of anal sex contributes to risky behavior[2]. Social pressure is also a factor (plenty of men expect women to receive it, but they won't accept a strap-on in return).

Also, the problems aren't guaranteed to persist. Even when they do, all of them can be dealt with surgically and some of them can be treated without surgery. Recurrence and surgical complications do happen, though.

1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17726499
2. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=6428003&page=1
It causes leakage

Not true if you take any care at all. I regularly crap out objects larger than my pecker, day after day after day, and will do so for my entire lifetime but that wont cause leakage. And I've got a pretty big knob.

If you are relativeky gentle with anal sex and dont start shoving fists up there leakage will likely not be a problem.
Physical trauma and tearing from anal intercourse (penis insertions only) can directly cause all of the following ...
Reading some of my old posts is cringeworthy. Here's a much better summary, with many more and better sources:

The traumatic risks of receptive anal sex and large anal insertions include anal and rectal tearing, hemorrhoidal disease, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, and for lengthy insertions, colorectal perforation followed by potentially-fatal peritonitis. A single instance of trauma can result in the development of multiple issues; cumulative damage also is a concern. Any tear may persist as a chronic anal fissure or anorectal ulcer and can lead to a variety of secondary complications: inflammation (e.g. proctitis), bacterial infection, abscess, fistula, anal skin tag (regressed hemorrhoid, scar tissue e.g. from a healed fissure, or a sentinel tag indicating the presence of a chronic anal fissure), and anal stenosis (narrowing due to the formation of constricting scar tissue called a stricture).

Furthermore, a woman's external anal sphincter is more fragile than a man's. Because it is shorter and in young women thinner, it is less resistant to pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins. Women therefore are more likely than men to develop problems such as hemorrhoidal prolapse and rectal prolapse resulting from increased venous and intra-abdominal pressure, especially when combined with friction/shearing force -- similar in effect to straining with hard stools, albeit involving bidirectional pulling force for sexual insertions/thrusting. There may be other contributing factors to consider as well, such as anal stretching causing permanent damage to and subsequent weakening of the muscles of the anal sphincter complex and/or pelvic floor.

Located a few centimeters past the anal opening is the pectinate/dentate line, beyond which the rectum is lined by a simple columnar epithelium. Unlike the durable, multi-layer stratified squamous epithelium found e.g. in the mouth, esophagus, and vagina, the rectum's single-layer columnar epithelium is very fragile and easily damaged -- especially if the layer of mucus normally covering the epithelium is removed by an enema. As well, some lubricants, enemas, and/or scents/additives in them may cause the epithelium to become inflamed or even slough off entirely. The rectal lining also lacks sensitive nerve fibers. Consequently, any rectal problems that develop may remain undetected until they cause noticeable symptoms to manifest, such as fecal incontinence arising from a fistula or a fecal bacterial infection spreading and leading to systemic immune responses.

References and more -- Anal Risks P1 20160224; Anal Risks P2 20160224; Anal Anatomy & Trauma 20160224; Incontinence & Perforation 20160313; Anal Trends & Motivations 20160228
Here are some recent discoveries:

"What I’m being told, by medical professionals, is that young girls (many under-age) are increasingly suffering anal tearing as a result of porn-inspired anal sex acts, including group acts. Some end up with rectums so damaged they are rendered incontinent and need colostomy bags. Other girls are contracting the HPV virus through oral sex. Some end up requiring surgery for throat cancer as a result.

Girls have a right to know this is how they could end up. But where do they go for this information? It’s hardly mainstream. And online porn presents these acts as standard. Girls who don’t want to submit to anal sex start to think there is something wrong with them. One of their biggest fears is being labelled a prude, or ‘hung up’."

"Can anal sex cause damage to the rectal branch of the pudendal nerve?"
"Dr. Ronald Cirillo, Gastroenterology -- In brief: Yes"

"The cardinal features of anorectal sensorimotor dysfunctions in FI [fecal incontinence] are summarized in Table 2. A majority of women with FI have reduced anal resting and/or squeeze pressures, reflecting the weakness of the internal and/or external anal sphincters, respectively. In addition to anal sphincter injury, FI is also associated with atrophy, denervation, and impaired function of the puborectalis muscle. Some patients with FI have more generalized pelvic floor weakness, known as descending perineum syndrome, which is often associated with pelvic organ prolapse affecting the anterior and/or middle compartments."
"In the long term, excessive straining may cause increased perineal descent, or descending perineum syndrome, which can stretch and thus damage the pudendal nerve. This straining also increases the obtuseness of the anorectal angle, thereby impairing the flap valve normally responsible for maintaining fecal continence during increased intra-abdominal pressure."
Gastroenterology & Hepatology (N Y). 2008 Nov; 4(11): 807–817.
Management of Fecal Incontinence

"The pudendal nerve plays a critical role in maintenance of integrity and function of the anal sphincter. Neurologic compromise of the anal sphincter complex can result in incontinence and is classified as primary (idiopathic) or secondary. Idiopathic causes are usually a result of pudendal neuropathy resulting from repeated stretch forces exerted on the terminal portion of the pudendal nerve, due to rectal prolapse, descending perineum syndrome, multiple vaginal deliveries, or habitual straining at defecation."
Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2005 Feb; 18(1): 9-16.
Evaluation of Anal Incontinence: Minimal Approach, Maximal Effectiveness
Anal sex is like everything else ing life moderation but God Damn it hard when you have a woman that enjoys a hard cock and load of cum in the ass.


Works for panties
dont u fuckin think if it causes something it would be prohibited by now

That's not a good argument in either direction, because people would still do it and there is no way to prevent it.

The better argument is that if you're careful, take the time to properly prepare for it, and don't get too rough like can be seen in porn, you'll be fine.
Anal sex is like everything else ing life moderation
Someone who is a proponent of harm reduction might agree with that. I do not; I'm an advocate of harm avoidance, especially when cumulative damage is a factor.

At best, anal sex and significant anal-insertive activities accelerate or guarantee the development of anorectal health problems. They are pretty much inevitable as a person ages due to the normal functions of the area (and, for women, pregnancy and obstetrical trauma also). Receptive people are very likely to experience such problems earlier in life and they're likely to be (much) worse than they would be otherwise -- especially if you factor in surgical trauma (from treatments for consequences of sexual trauma) as well.
The better argument is that if you're careful, take the time to properly prepare for it, and don't get too rough like can be seen in porn, you'll be fine.
Rapid thrusting / being "rough" during anal sex is never a good idea -- see what I wrote previously. Friction and pulling force basically accelerate the development of anorectal issues that tend to arise with age due to similar force from the passage of hard stools.

Some preparatory measures might be harmful as well. Enemas probably strip away the protective layer of mucus on the rectum's fragile, pain-insensate simple columnar epithelium and may also damage or irritate that lining, as can some lubricants. Large plugs may increase intra-abdominal pressure for a prolonged period of time -- many medical sources associate [chronic/prolonged] increases in such pressure with various anorectal (and, I recently discovered, pelvic floor) health problems. Plugs with a wide portion also can stretch and permanently damage/weaken the muscles of the anal sphincter complex at least, and may damage the connective tissue framework mentioned below as well. (See Anal Risks P1, P2, and Incontinence & Perforation for exhaustive medical references.)

"OBJECTIVE: To standardise a direct method for measuring intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), to correlate the results with intrarectal pressure, and to compare the results in various conditions."
"The method of measuring IAP is reproducible. Intrarectal pressure is similar to IAP and can therefore be used instead of it."
European Journal of Surgery. 1997 Dec; 163(12): 883-7.
Direct measurement of intra-abdominal pressure in various conditions.

"The anal canal consists of three fibrovascular cushions that are fed directly by arteriovenous communications. These cushions are supported within the anal canal by a connective tissue framework, and they are important in providing a watertight seal to the anus. The degenerative effects of ageing may weaken or fragment the supporting tissues, and this along with the repeated passage of hard stool and straining produces a shearing [pulling due to friction] force on the cushions, leading to their descent and prolapse. The prolapsed cushions have impaired venous return, which results in engorgement that may be further exacerbated by straining, inadequate fibre intake, prolonged time on the lavatory, and conditions such as pregnancy that raise intra-abdominal pressure."
"Haemorrhoids can be classified according to their relation to the dentate (pectinate) line, which demarcates the transition from the squamous epithelium below to the columnar epithelium above. Internal haemorrhoids originate above the dentate line, whereas external haemorrhoids originate below the line. The more widely used Goligher classification system describes four grades, which are based on the degree of prolapse, but this system fails to reflect the severity of the symptoms."
British Medical Journal. 2008 February 16; 336(7640): 380-383.
Management of haemorrhoids

"One of the most important etiologic theories is the “sliding anal cushion theory.” Thompson concluded that a sliding downward of the anal lining is responsible for the development of hemorrhoids... Repeated stretching of the anal supporting tissues (submucosal Treitz's muscle and elastic connective tissue framework) which normally functions to anchor and suspend the anal canal lining causes fragmentation of the supporting tissues and subsequent prolapse of the vascular cushions."
The ASCRS Manual of Colon and Rectal Surgery (2009) - Page 227

"Rectal prolapse is the protrusion of either the rectal mucosa or the entire wall of the rectum. Partial prolapse involves only the mucosa and usually only protrudes by a few centimetres. Complete prolapse involves all layers of the rectal wall.

... Risk factors
• Increased intra-abdominal pressure"
http://patient.info/doctor/rectal-prolapse (archive link)
way too much ... analysis by those are aren't getting it anyways, so it's a moot point.

and I don't need to hear about "fibrovascular cushions" thank you. The less I know about that stuff, the better.

wtf is wrong with you people?