what size of Boobs do you like the best

what size of Boobs do you like the best

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Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
It depend's on the woman's body type. I like all size's except over dd, that is too big for me; I am more about proportion and shape then just massive tit's.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I chose C as well. Here's a good rule of thumb though: if the girl you're dating has B cups, don't tell her you prefer any size bigger than that, even if she asks your opinion. Yeah, I made that mistake, and I still hear about it. The correct answer is "whatever you have, honey".
I agree it depends on the woman and how she is built. Usually as long as they aren't too small I don't care. I'm much more concerned with what she is packing in the back. :D


DD but thats cause why wife has them and they are YUMMY
as long as they're real, the bigger the better
I think D's and DD's can be very appealing on the right body, whether natural or enhanced. But I find it very intriguing how men place so much emphasis on the size of a woman's breasts or ass, but expect women to not care so much about the size of their penis. :rolleyes::2 cents:

If you are replying to this, please be 9" or above.:rofl:


Re: what size of Boobs do you like the best

In proportion and something that's not gonna fall victim to gravity prematurely.
I don't know, a good strong borderline C, closer to B I guess. :hatsoff:
My last real ex had DDs... spoilt me for sure, they're gorgeous.

As for porn it doesn't or hadn't really mattered so long as the lady in question was something like Gabrielle Lupin, Kristi Curiali, wow... it's actually kinda hard to pick a favorite size. I like a certain type though for sure... I think. :dunno: