What should I do about my GF?

I have been with my girlfriend for a little over 2 years, and we live together. Sometimes I am just not in the mood to fuck her. I'm not saying that I never am, but sometimes I do it just because she wants to and it's boring. She is very good to me and I think I would miss her if she were gone, but I'm afraid to think of what my sex life would be like if we got married. Is this normal or should I think about moving on?
difficult to say - I´m in a similar situation but if you love her and enjoy the time with her just do so. enjoy the moments. you need to cut back in a relationship but if you feel like you cannot accept the situation anymore and your desire rises its time to move on or find a solution with her.
but just my 2c :)
Maybe you need to spice up your sex life? There is plenty of literature and help on the web on this subject.
Being a female, I can't give you a perfect answer to this question, but I can give you an answer in a woman's perspective if that helps. :)

First, have you thought about why it gets boring? If not, think about the real reason why it gets boring for you.

Second, if you do know why, or if you figure out why, is there anything the two of you could do to improve it?

I can't speak for all women, but if my man isn't satisfied with our sex life, I would be understanding and willing to do (just about) anything to improve it as long as it's reasonable.

I know it would be very hard to communicate that to her, but if you're thinking of throwing in the towel, what could it hurt?

Good luck to you, and hopefully something I said helps. :)

Will E Worm

It's boring? Have you thought about this...You Might be a homersexual. :tongue:

"She is very good to me and I think I would miss her if she were gone."

I believe you know you want to stay and you have a fear of commitment.
You have been living with her for over two years and you should have been married by now.

Find a counselor. :hatsoff:
I know what you mean. I've been there sometimes.. If she really loves you then if you tell her that you don't wanna do it she'll respect your decision and leave it for some other time. You should tell her that ya'll should fuck in special occasions. Or keep her busy by inviting her to places or to activities that would keep her mind off sex....
You have been living with her for over two years and you should have been married by now.
Just an honest question. Why "should have been married by now"? Over here (Europe) quite some people never marry and stick together forever while most married couples here divorce anyway.

Will E Worm

Just an honest question. Why "should have been married by now"? Over here (Europe) quite some people never marry and stick together forever while most married couples here divorce anyway.

Because it's the right thing to do. :hatsoff:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I have been with my girlfriend for a little over 2 years, and we live together. Sometimes I am just not in the mood to fuck her. I'm not saying that I never am, but sometimes I do it just because she wants to and it's boring. She is very good to me and I think I would miss her if she were gone, but I'm afraid to think of what my sex life would be like if we got married. Is this normal or should I think about moving on?

The fact that you're pretty much putting YOUR sex life in front of a loving, long term, dedicated relationship with a girl who loves you on your list of priorities says a lot. It's just sex, dude...get over it. Who cares if the sex you have with your girlfriend doesn't take your breath away; if you love her, than that's all that should matter.

Breaking up with somebody just because the sex doesn't live up to your standards is extremely selfish, especially after a 2+ year relationship. I think you need to take a step back and grow up.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Mine irritates the shit outta me, course it could be cause she hardly ever puts out too. But eh, whatever. I'll keep her around. She does cook after all and does the laundry...most of the time. Fuck it, I still have my internet porn so I'm fine!
I say dump her. No, I didn't bother to read your post, but it wouldn't have changed my opinion any.
I say dump her. No, I didn't bother to read your post, but it wouldn't have changed my opinion any.

I think it might if you had. I personally was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a thread in the tone of "my girlfriend doesn't want to do anal, how do I make her do it anyway...".

I don't have an answer for you, but Vicky Venom's answer sounds like it's the most logical and sensible aproach.
If you actually love her and aren't in the relationship just out of convenience,then you owe it to the both of you to find a way to work it out.If it's just convenience,then you are just prolonging the inevitable and you'll probably break up later anyway,and you don't want to do that when there are kids involved,because they will be more effected from it than either of you.
Shit like this is the precise reason why I question life sometimes. I can even get a kiss, much less sex, and people in this thread are complaining because they don't FEEL like fucking, as they are getting asked for sex too much.
Sex is probably one of the most important part in a relationship. If you cant work that out then you just might want to consider moving on. It will just lead to you cheating on her in the future.
Thats what we do, we get bored of each other, but we stay together because we are to comfortable in the relationship and would rather be in it than out of it because then we are alone. So your choice is, stay with someone you dont really enjoy being with or are not sexually attracted to or be alone.

BlueBalls the bringer of depression and doom :D