What pisses you off?



Fucking God-damn bitches and bastard of the fucking God-damn TSA! My the fleas of a thousand camels nest in their crotches.

All I wanted to do was walk to the departure gate with someone. Airports are just horrible places now.

Hey, you're a bird, why not fly yourself? :cool:
Whenever I watch a real piece of shit movie it makes me so fucking furious for so many reasons. I just watched a piece of shit a few hours ago and I'm still a little pissed off about it. And then I listened to the audio commentary and that made me even angrier because the director talked about he and the cast and crew working their asses off to make this total piece of trash that only 20 people on the planet have seen. They worked hard and they still made one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
This makes me happy

cindy CD/TV

Those new ambulance-chaser commercials on cable TV talking about problems with "vaginal mesh." :facepalm: The complications mentioned in the commercial makes me cringe, to say the least. Are vaginal mesh problems so widespread that we need to have an ad on TV every 20 minutes?? :hairpull: If a woman has a problem with vaginal mesh, I'm sure she hasn't been sitting around just waiting for a lawyer's TV ad before saying to herself: "Hey, here's my chance to do something about this little problem I'm having."

Speaking of commercials... all the gold commericals. :wtf: Like us average Joes and Janes have the money to buy/invest in fucking gold, especially at it's current prices. Gimme a break.

And the aforementioned car insurance commercials. Amica and Geico ads are insane in how frequently they are broadcasted.:mad: I'd say the same thing about Progressive ads, but I want to fuck Flo's brains out. :sex: :yesyes: :rant:

cindy CD/TV

The hypocrisy over Islam. It's OK to piss on a statue of the Virgin Mary, but an editorial cartoon mentioning Mohammed results in the firebombing of the company that published the cartoon. What the fucking, fuck?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
The hypocrisy over Islam. It's OK to piss on a statue of the Virgin Mary, but an editorial cartoon mentioning Mohammed results in the firebombing of the company that published the cartoon. What the fucking, fuck?

Exactly. They can burn the Bible, which is just a book, but take a crayon to the Koran and get ready for war. Freakin' drama queens.


Official Checked Star Member
Ruger makes a 10 shot .22 revolver in single action.
Well a 10 shot would be great but not if it's just a little .22 so although awesome...not quite there yet. Now a 10 shot 45 revolver would be PERFECT!

Whenever I watch a real piece of shit movie it makes me so fucking furious for so many reasons. I just watched a piece of shit a few hours ago and I'm still a little pissed off about it. And then I listened to the audio commentary and that made me even angrier because the director talked about he and the cast and crew working their asses off to make this total piece of trash that only 20 people on the planet have seen. They worked hard and they still made one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
hahaha. U are basically describing how I feel about every movie I;ve ever been in but hey....I don;t waste my time watching them. haha
Nikki Nova
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Closed Account
People who believe in Global Warming and want me to change my toilet to one that uses less water, change my fucking light bulbs, and to drive a fucking electric fucking car! I'll do none of those fucking things. FUCK 'EM!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...


Torn & Frayed.
Well a 10 shot would be great but not if it's just a little .22 so although awesome...not quite there yet.

If you can get close enough, a .22 slug right in the space between the jawbone and skull,just below the ear, will bounce around inside the skull and turn the brain into pudding. Plus; there's no exit-wound, so minimal cleanup!!

Oh;and the fact that clicking on "New Posts" results in a jumbled mess pisses me off.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Stubbing my feet not that hard, and having feel like there is about a dozen compound fractures throughout it.

cindy CD/TV

The fact that I've gone 5 1/2 years without a cigarette ... :crying:
Tripping while walking somewhere. What ever makes me trip I usually feel tempted to pick a fight with it. Be it a step or whatever.

And no the tripping I mean has fuck all to do with narcotics of any kind incase someone tries that one as a response lol. It's the losing balance when I hit something with my foot while walking type of "tripping" that I mean.