The fact that I can no longer watch a simple video or much less, look up a definition in an online dictionary without first having to sit through some fucking commercial :cussing:
The exact same thing happened with the medium of cable tv, when it was first introduced, there were no commercials on cable specific channels.... that's right, none, zilch, nada!
Then, suddenly, one day a commercial appeared on said cable specific channel(s), and a week later, another, etc. etc. ect. . . . . now, all cable TV seems to be is one big long run on commercial! .... and they
Commy- cast) want me to pay some $50+ bucks a month to watch all of the commercials that they get paid millions upon millions of dollars for running? F. O. & Die Monopoly Scum!
It used to be fun to sometimes incorporate ''yout'' videos within the text of certain posts as they could add some impact to your message, however, these days. . . forget it, it's likely to get worse before it gets better.
Have a Happy Day Y'all