Drunk asses who stumble in front of my car while I'm doing 35 down 7th.
Mosquitos, moths, spiders, crane flys... ants.... the inconsiderate little pesties, who invited them inside my home in the wee hrs of the morning? I mean, would you enter somebody else's home if you found an open door or window..... at 03:07 hours (AM)? I think not!
I don't smoke pot, but I have the same problem with cans of beer.
busenbust cyberstalking me. . .:scream:
Carhart canuck!
Re: What pisses you off?
Authority figures. Useless, clueless, incompetent, clipboard carrying, paper pushing, bureaucratic, affirmative action authority figures.... the one's who have no business doing what they do, but they have the power of the gumment behind them.
Case in point... doesn't this engineer look like he's ready to tear this ladies head off?
''What did you say to me, pip squeek, with a pen and paper?''
busenbust cyberstalking me. . .:scream: