What pisses you off?

How can it be the best part? That's like saying the beat part of the roller coaster is getting out of the coaster after the thrill of the ride.

She's sucked your dick. Made you cum. What difference does it make what she does after the fact? And how does it make it more enjoyable?

The only positive about swallowing, IMO, is no mess. My gf swallowing certainly isn't more enjoyable than the entire blowjob. WTF am I missing here?

Well to each his own, I suppose... :dunno:
Cheeseburgers, beer, fries, chips, ice cream, cookies, Chocolate...

Why do they have to be so good? I really don't like the gym that much!
Weird dreams out of the blue about something from 15 years ago.:wtf::confused:
Ah you remember us. . .


Thanks...:facepalm: Now you've just ensured I'll be having nightmares for the next 15 years.:mad:

Re: What pisses you off?

My neighbour. I work nights so need to sleep in the day but he is so inconsiderate. I went round to his place to complain about the noise. He told me he was putting together a bookshelf. The fuckface doesn't even own any books!!! :mad:

:1orglaugh:1orglaugh:1orglaugh {shakes head }.
Fucking gardener using lawn edgers at 7 am Saturday morning.


The "tilt function" on my Canon printer... the slightest bump and that fucker has to go through the motions WASTING INK UNNECESSARILY... reverse engineering motha f'ers and their money makin schemes.... any way to pull one over on the comsumers. :flame::flame:

It's getting to the point where I really really hate people! :rant: :D


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Mangakas that write engaging and ongoing stories only to discontinue them halfway through for indefinite periods of time. Nerd rage! :mad:
inane and abusive comments on YouTube -- but then again, wtf does one expect !


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Porn Starlets that change their name every 30 min.