What pisses you off?

The OCD patient driving in front of you who hard stops over and over again like he learned how to drive in a bumper car rink.:cussing:


You do realize that Foreign assistance makes up less than 5% of the federal budget?
That's an insane amount of money! ... tell me, how much is 5% of the Federal budget? Weren't we giving Mubarak, (one of the single wealthiest men in the world) about $2 billion annually? How much of that revenue did he squirrel away for himself? Do you really believe that the muslim brohood, the gaggle of non democratically appointed elitists, are actually going to make good use of this $2 billion dollar reward? i.e. use it to pay for the better welfare of needy Egyptians? I don't! :dunno:
It's peanuts compared to Medicare, Defense and Social Security. Yes we're broke but giving $2 billion in aid to Egypt isn't the reason why we're in the situation we're in.

The amount of the federal budget wasn't what I posted about, I was responding to a post that disparaged fox news... if fox news only reports lies, then why were they the only major network to report that obama has extended $2 Billion in fed aid to the muslim brohood within the confines of Egypt? .... it seems like a newsworthy story to me.:cool:

Re: What pisses me off-

Selective reporting of important stories within the ranks of the media. Yup!:cool:
Wishlists. The sheer audacity of it!!! :mad:

Wow, you sound like a great friend!! :rolleyes:

I AM a great friend! :( Maybe I could have stated the above better... I meant I hate it when a friend complains to me about their relationships CONSTANTLY. But not only do they complain, they don't do anything to fix what's wrong in those relationships. They stay in those relationships, KNOWING it sucks, and then complain to me about it. Wouldn't that annoy you too? That they don't even TRY to get themselves out of it? It's like they ENJOY being in relationships leading nowhere. And then they're hypocritical enough to complain about it! It's like that stupid song Rhiana or whoever made.
That's an insane amount of money! ... tell me, how much is 5% of the Federal budget? Weren't we giving Mubarak, (one of the single wealthiest men in the world) about $2 billion annually? How much of that revenue did he squirrel away for himself? Do you really believe that the muslim brohood, the gaggle of non democratically appointed elitists, are actually going to make good use of this $2 billion dollar reward? i.e. use it to pay for the better welfare of needy Egyptians? I don't! :dunno:

The amount of the federal budget wasn't what I posted about, I was responding to a post that disparaged fox news... if fox news only reports lies, then why were they the only major network to report that obama has extended $2 Billion in fed aid to the muslim brohood within the confines of Egypt? .... it seems like a newsworthy story to me.:cool:

Re: What pisses me off-

Selective reporting of important stories within the ranks of the media. Yup!:cool:

Yes to us regular people $2 billion is alot of money but in terms of the federal budget it's not breaking the bank. We aren't in this financial crisis because we give to much money away in foreign aid. If we really want to fix the situation we're in, we need to take a look at Medicare, Defense spending and Social security.
Having like 50 mismatched socks in my sock drawer. :mad:

Perfectly good socks but I am going to have to chuck them or use them as garage rags because I can't find the bloody missing sock. :mad:


Yes to us regular people $2 billion is alot of money but in terms of the federal budget it's not breaking the bank.
It already has broken the bank, what is the federal debt? Do you really think that it's a good idea to borrow money to give away? Sheesh, we haven't even talked about the compounding interest rates on our debt... how many multiple trillions of dollars is that?

We aren't in this financial crisis because we give to much money away in foreign aid.
I never made such claim, but we have to start somewhere. Fiscal responsibility begins with counting the small change first and working your way up ... hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, etc., ask Warren Buffett or any other successful money manager, they all started out as frugal penny pinchers.
If we really want to fix the situation we're in, we need to take a look at Medicare, Defense spending and Social security.
That sounds like obama... "I'll take a look at it". :p

Keep all three, but compartmentalize the accounting of each entity, that oughta work. :dunno:

In addition to that, we need to rid ourselves of the Bureaucracy!!!
see fedgov acronyms A through Z
I challenge you to review the plethora of fed government entities, A through Z and tell me we can't cut 30 % of 'em... easily!
Really, it amounts to nothing more than a giant make work welfare program and it has to be reduced at once if we expect to survive as a nation. I mean, look at some of these titles, it's preposterous! :facepalm:

Remember, these are only the Federal entities, I didn't yet mention the list of bureaucracies of the individual 50 states.

The only way you could possibly defend this kind of overreaching government is if you have a loved one who has taken up employ at one or more of these various arms of government, I understand, everybody needs shelter, clothing, food, an Iphone and a PC....... I'm dozin... gotta crash now. :sleep:
US National Soccer teams poor attitude in the Gold Cup. Not just our loss to Panama, but the lack of will the team displays. Bob Bradley's job is on the line now.

Los Angeles not having an NFL team.

The state of the economy and everyone thinking Presidents make laws. CONGRESS WRITES LAWS, A PRESIDENT JUST APPROVES THEM. OUR ECONOMY WAS FUBAR BEFORE OBAMA CAME INTO POWER. I'm still 50/50 when it comes to Obama getting my vote. If republicans nominate Ron Paul, then I would register Republican to vote him in, otherwise you can't trust Republicans.... And Sara Palin WTF is she still doing onTV?

Lazy fucking parents piss me off. I HATE parents that make escuses for their kids and encourage them to fail, Example: "My son/daughter has the right to defend himself and I give him permission to fight". Or you know they know their kids are doing hard drugs, and don't do shit. Throw the parents in jail, and get their kids in rehab instead of throwing them in jail.

Fake tits on girls who did not need them; If she was flat, okay get them. If she was already a good C-cup, D-Cup or DD Cup and bigger, WHY? (I'm a natural fan married to a natural busty babe, and if you want me to prove it, just ask me in a message... remeber, trannies also have fake tits.... Venting venting venting).

And everyone who is anti anal sex. Anal sex is the shiznit. I don't like uncomfortable sex in life or on porn. But anal sex can be fun and comfortable for couples.

Pain and abuse in porn also make me mad when it ruins a scene.

FACIALS PISS ME OFF. Seriously, it ruins the ending. I consider it a form of cum dodging and prefer to see a load swallowed. And if she is not a swallower, put it somewhere else hot like on her big tits or ass. I could not kiss a girl with cum ruined face and mascara dripping, just NOT SEXY to me. Cum dripping from her chin is Okay and kind of hot. I do enjoy some bukkake scenes with sexy bodies covered in cum especially if she has great tits or if she swallows multiple loads, just not destroyed faces, especially the eyes.

And lately, people NOT USING THEIR TURN SIGNALS. I don't care if you are speeding, take half a second to at least blink your light twince before changing lanes in front of me.
Also, assholes who speed up after you turn your signal light on.
It already has broken the bank, what is the federal debt? Do you really think that it's a good idea to borrow money to give away? Sheesh, we haven't even talked about the compounding interest rates on our debt... how many multiple trillions of dollars is that?

I never made such claim, but we have to start somewhere. Fiscal responsibility begins with counting the small change first and working your way up ... hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, etc., ask Warren Buffett or any other successful money manager, they all started out as frugal penny pinchers.
That sounds like obama... "I'll take a look at it". :p

Keep all three, but compartmentalize the accounting of each entity, that oughta work. :dunno:

In addition to that, we need to rid ourselves of the Bureaucracy!!!
see fedgov acronyms A through Z
I challenge you to review the plethora of fed government entities, A through Z and tell me we can't cut 30 % of 'em... easily!
Really, it amounts to nothing more than a giant make work welfare program and it has to be reduced at once if we expect to survive as a nation. I mean, look at some of these titles, it's preposterous! :facepalm:

Remember, these are only the Federal entities, I didn't yet mention the list of bureaucracies of the individual 50 states.

The only way you could possibly defend this kind of overreaching government is if you have a loved one who has taken up employ at one or more of these various arms of government, I understand, everybody needs shelter, clothing, food, an Iphone and a PC....... I'm dozin... gotta crash now. :sleep:

Yes and that somewhere is Medicare, Social Security and Defense spending. You aren't going to put a dent in the deficit or whatever by cutting foreign aid. Compared with our military and entitlement budgets, foreign aid is loose change. Since the 1970s, aid spending has hovered around 1 percent of the federal budget. International assistance programs were close to 5 percent of the budget under Lyndon B. Johnson during the war in Vietnam, but have dropped since.
Popular music of today.


Dogs barking uninterrupted and loud. Some owners just want to provoke their neighbours by letting them bark and yowl

:dito:. I was going to make a thread about how to get them to shut the fuck up, but I've found that spraying them with the hose seems to work ok. :elaugh: But if they don't get better, I'm calling... um... I'm calling... SOMEBODY! :mad::dunno: They're pissing all the neighbors off; I've asked.

Passengers in vehicles that put their feet on the dashboard, people that thinks it funny to touch my feet.

:dito: I've had a few girls try to do that back when I had my 94 BMW. I was like "Oh HELL no! :mad: You are NOT about to put your sweaty feet all over my dashboard/leather seats. :nono:" Although I did let ONE girl do it, because she was just hotter than hell... So....... yeah. :dunno:

If Google doesn't find it, it just doesn't exist
