What pisses you off?


Torn & Frayed.
Elitist attitudes.
Other girls' boyfriends. No matter who their boyfriend is, no matter what he does, no matter how nice or great he is, I hate him with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. Hate.
Spending half an hour in the grocery store only to get home and realize you forgot to pick your kid up from school. Yesterday.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
People who completely miss the urinal at restrooms in restaurants. That's disgusting, it's not like it's hard to miss either. You want to spray down the floor, do it at your place.
People being stupid whilst skiing or snowboarding. Stopping where they can't be seen, carving up the landings or carving on a cat track. Think people. Think.
Insomnia and being unable to feel refreshed after finally sleeping for a time.

I am at a point where I might be willing to kill someone in exchange for a guaranteed normal, consistently restful, healthy sleep rhythm for the rest of my life. It's been fucked up for a long enough time already and there is no end in sight. Well, maybe I won't need to suffer for too long. The heat in the summer months just might end up killing me.


People who open multiple accounts as a means to undermine the consensus of opinion and/or discussion.

People who open multiple accounts as a means to cover up their posting frequency.

Automatic toilets. They ALWAYS flush when you lean forward, and get nasty toilet water all over you ass.
Thay also waste water because the damn things flush at least twice/dump!