What pisses you off?


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I was looking through some of my files from 2002 - 2004 and I was paying about $100 bucks a month for a personal full coverage blue cross medical plan, it was awesome, I'd be treated like a king from Blue Cross as well as my local hospital. Then, suddenly, my insurance rates skyrocketed and the service at my local hospital (a private institution) went to hell!

How did this happen? > A surge in the illegal alien population coupled with the law that makes it illegal for health care institutions the ability to turn away non paying / non insured patients . . no receivables . . . no more hospitals! as we used to know them.

Damn that $5 a head lettuce doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

Yeah, I'm getting a nice $66 increase in the next couple of months. How many times have I gone to see the doctor this year? 1 time. And that was for the annual thing. How many times have I been to the hospital since I've started using their service? None. Zero. Nada.

What's my blood pressure? 112/78
My total cholesterol? 140
HDL? 43
LDL? 64
Ratio of 1.5

I walk miles every day.
So, I ask you... What am I paying so much per month for?
Loud chewers...I can't stand sitting in a quiet room and listening to someone munch down on crunchy shit. Drives me crazy.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
People that think they are shit hot!!

My shit is hot until it hits the water, then it's usually just warm...

Oil Speculation. Remove that shit from the stock market already! A dozen fucking assholes should not dictate the cost of a product for millions of people. I ever meet someone who says they made a killing on oil speculation, I'll make a killing my shooting them in the face. Where the fuck is the FCC during all this shit. They are god damn useless!
jobs that treat you like shit cuz they know in this economy you've got nowhere else to go, and then act like you're lucky they're doing you a favor...i know you just assraped me but thanks for using lube!


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
People who say they'll "call you back about it", then you spot them bullshitting their day away and never call you back. And whose head does it fall on, yours... Did someone order ex-lax for the co-workers coffee? At least you won't have to worry about them tomorrow.
Rather be pissed on than pissed off


Closed Account
C*ckblockers. Annoying people at work, the banks (fucking crooks) people who say "we should work together" and leave you with the work while they slack off......


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When I'm pissing at the urinal and some mischievous passerby pokes my side, prompting me to automatically turn and accidentally piss on the person at the urinal next to mine.

If I ever see that troublemaker again I'm gonna ring his bell. :mad: