What pisses you off?

That song Bird is the word ^ :cussing:
when you are having a wank and you get a pop up that stops you form using your computer saying its from the police and your laptop is being seized unless you pay a £100 fine, feck off !!! do people seriously fall for these scams ? !!!
What pisses me off is trying to work out how to post pictures & stuff, bit of a tecnaphobe me!.
So what else would we expect from a NEWBI, I hear you lot say!
Hope to get sorted soon & then contribute more fully!
Until then, Yours most PISSED OFF .........


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
PS Vita hits the market for $249 and packs more technology and is faster than the latest wiz-bang Smart phone that costs twice as much and does half the stuff.
Why doesn't Sony make a smart phone, no they make some crappy flip phones through Erikson, WTF Sony, come out with a fantastic Smart Phone already!
I'm sure this has probably been covered, but being called in on my day off!

Don't fuck up someone's day off just because you can't do your job.


Oh yes, thinking back to about a year ago...

Ugly overnight ER nurses who wear cheap wigs.. that is, unkept cheap wigs. :uohs:

...and to think that her colleagues probably couldn't have said anything out of fear of being reprimanded for discrimination. What a fucking world we live in. :facepalm:


Price are really pissing me off Gas Prices are as of now

You, gas is about $4.50/ gal. here!