What pisses you off?

Cyclists that bring there damn bikes onto crowded trains why don't they cycle to wherever there going
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Briana Lee

Official Checked Star Member
Guys that pay for a custom video/pic set then put a chargeback in on the payment after they receive it caus their Wife/Girlfriend/Mommy caught them buying porn!!!! :mad:
People who use speakerphone on their cellphones when they aren't doing anything that would prevent them from holding the phone up to their ear. Just put the Goddamn phone up to your ear like everybody else. You're not that important, or interesting, so just save us all the annoyance of hearing your stupid conversation with whatever stupid person is stupid enough to be on the other end of the stupid line with you, stupid. Either that or go kill yourself, you DO have 2 free hands after all.

cindy CD/TV

Repent! :nono:

I'm so sorry, truly!!!!! :scream: :crying:

But maybe karma already caught up to me. Here's one from today. I was taking the trash out when the bag suddenly ripped open and spilled its junk in the hallway of my building. What a disaster. :facepalm: :o I was so red-faced when a neighbor poked his head out of his flat to see the source of all the commotion and profanity, seeing me on my knees stuffing the trash into a new bag and my lacey unmentionables giving me a most uncomfortable wedgie (pride dictated that I resist the urge to pick the wedgie, of course). My neighbor just stood by and watched silently with a smirk on his face until I finished picking up the hallway. I wasn't expecting him to help me, but he didn't need to fucking watch over me like a disapproving parent. :mad: :brick:
Heroin. It's the only thing that explains why that shit "food" is so popular.Low doses of smack in it.

Same thing with those Krispy Kreme doughnuts, they put cocaine in them things. Why you think they so good?

Does anyone else shit five minutes after they eat McDonalds or is it just me?
When you go to buy a piece of furniture, pay for it, and tell them "I'll be here tomorrow to pick this up." and they don't have it ready for pickup when you get there.

When your co-worker tells you that you can't use certain (common, everyday, clean) words at work. I got shit for saying "My best guess is...". Bitch, please. I can say whatever I want as long as it isn't rude or offensive.

What pisses me off the most? My mother in law. Stereotypical? Maybe. But goddammit, she's a menace. Smokes in my car, comes in to stay at our house with no warning, leaves her shit at my house, doesn't pay any attention to her grandkids (not my kids, we don't have any), blows off family functions to go golfing, spends all her money trying to promote her awful books that should have never been published, and comes in and uses all our laundry soap because she's too cheap to do her own laundry at home (without replacing it).


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
The regret I feel everytime I eat McDonalds. Why do I continue to eat this?

I've always hated McDonald's hamburgers and I've always wondered why I still eat there. It's the fries, you have to admit Mickey d's has some of the best french fries you can eat. The only thing I eat at Mcdonald's is the chicken nuggets and fries, everything else is just garbage!