What! Nutella makes you fat!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Holy fucking jumping jesus shitballs on a burning pogo-stick, :batman:! This American frivolous lawsuit culture is truly something.

I get the impression that it is swapping over the pond. Yesterday I bought a 'Uncle Ben's' microwave-ready indian curry rice meal. One large cup with precooked rice, one smaller with the curry.

Was astonished when I read the line under the how-to prepare:

'The cups will be hot after heating' :rolleyes:
Who the heck is Nutella? Is she a pornstar?
I can make a wicked hot chocolate out of it.

Aside from that I bet these are the same parents who will sue because fast food make them (or some kin) obese because of a lack of self control.

Whatever. Another stupid lawsuit.


there's a fair bit of sugar in it, so it could cause weight gain

But I think if the child or her mother are fat it has more to do with the fact they are American.
Simple, eat less (esp shit) and move more. I can't stand people who seem to spend all day eating or complain if they haven't eaten for an hour, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STARVE TO DEATH, the human body doesn't need that much food, I've survived days on just nutritional drinks before. Then you get those fatties on weight programmes crying cos they're fat getting loads of sympathy, no one sheds a tear for a skinny fuckers like me.
If I were the maker of Nutella, I would counter sue for stupidity.

Ulysses, I feel your pain. I cry for you.

Nutella isn't fattening, it's god damned hazlenut paste with cocoa. And it's the best tasting thing evar. Now I need bread and Nutella.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
It's funny because in a lot of euro countries, eating Chocolate on your toast/bread is NORMAL.

The dutch LOVE hagelslag...it's basically Chocolate cake sprinkles. They swear they're not...but yea, they are. Of course there's also nutella as a popular spread.

Most dutch aren't even close to fat. Proof that it's not what you eat but how much vs how much you move.


Proof that it's not what you eat but how much vs how much you move.

In Chile, in the early 1960s, a study of factory workers engaging in heavy labor revealed that 30 percent were obese and 10 percent suffered from “undernourishment.” Nearly half the women over 45 were obese, and they achieved this condition eating fewer than two thousand calories per day – an amount lower than the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization recommendation to avoid malnutrition. Only 21 percent of the calories in the diet came from fat, compared with 65 percent from carbohydrates.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Okay, the travesty finds its end:

Ferrero sets aside $3 mln for Nutella US class action

(Reuters) - Italian confectionery group Ferrero has agreed to set aside $3 million to settle a class-action lawsuit championed by a Californian mother after she discovered the group's Nutella chocolate spread packed more fat than jam or syrup.

Notices of class action settlements said that Ferrero USA Inc., the group's U.S. division, would pay up to $4 for every jar of Nutella bought in California since August 2009, or bought anywhere else in the United States since January 2008.

The notices posted on Nutellaclassactionsettlement.com said the settlement was for $3,050,000 in total.

Ferrero USA also agreed to "modify certain marketing statements about Nutella" and to give more prominence to nutrition labels on Nutella jars, the notices said.

No one at Ferrero was immediately available for comment.

Athena Hohenberg, the mother of a 4-year old in San Diego, California, launched the class-action lawsuit last year, alleging that Ferrero was promoting Nutella as something "healthier than it actually is," court documents said.

Ferrero lists sugar, palm oil, hazelnuts, cocoa and skimmed milk as Nutella's main ingredients. The typical serving size of 2 tablespoons contains 200 calories and 11 grams of fat, it says on its website.

It markets the dark, creamy spread worldwide as "an example of a tasty yet balanced breakfast" when combined with milk, orange juice and wholewheat bread.




$4 for every jar of Nutella bought in California since August 2009, or bought anywhere else in the United States since January 2008.

This is crazy.