What musical instrument is easiest to learn?

Good answer!!! :thumbsup:
Let me answer this with a question.
What do you want to play ? Do you want harmony or Metal ?
depends on you and self discipline. If you really have no idea I say take one lesson of every instrument you think You Might like and figure it out from there, it can't hurt.
This is a fairly old post now. Did you keep your resolution? If so, which instrument did you go with?

Darn, this is quite an old thread, and no, I haven't kept my resolution, though I'm leaning more towards learning to play guitar now as I found a guitar is a bit cheaper than a sax. My friends who play an instrument either play guitar or keyboard so that's why I was leaning toward the sax.
You could learn the Bongo Drums. If you get a few together you can actually get a good beat out of them, and nobody seems to play them seriously.
harmonica is the cheapest and probably easiest to pick up. you can get as good as you want to.

well....maybe the kazoo is easier
No one plays the sax anymore but I found it quite easy to learn the Rusty Trombone
No one plays the sax anymore

Really? I've seen Pharaoh Sanders, Joshua Redman, Kenny Garrett, and Frank Morgan fairly recently. They all seemed to be wailing on different kinds of saxophones.

All instruments have a trick to them; none is "easy" per se, unless you're talking about the only instrument that was legitimately invented in the US (the kazoo):rofl: There have been studies done that prove that the 2 hardest instruments to master are the piano and the violin.:2 cents:
harmonica is the cheapest and probably easiest to pick up. you can get as good as you want to.

well....maybe the kazoo is easier

You forgot to mention how hard it is to play the triangle...:tongue:
I play the Trumpet, French horn And Tuba no lessons.

I played in a band in joiner high and high school and can't read sheet music, I play by ear, I here it I can play it.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm a guitarist-in-practice, it's pretty hard.
27 years of being a pro musician has taught me that no instrument is a cinch to learn and play well .. it needs time and patience ... if you want a quick fix .. there isn't one. IMHonestO