What models compare to Linda O'neil

Well it seems Linda O'Neil is never coming back :facepalm: and ever since she has dissapeared I have been scouring the internet trying to find someone who compares to her but i have had no success. Does anyone know of a model that comes close?
yoshie, I know exactly what you mean. She is the sexiest most talented model with the best website ever. No one and nothing else compares. I too have scoured the web and she was IT! I keep voting for her to come back at her new website. I'm still hoping because she is the very best. Only Yvette Nelson comes close in sex appeal, in my opinion. But her website has been offline for years as well. Plus, her site was never as extensive as Linda's. And no one can pose in the sexiest manner possible or dance in the sexiest way like Linda. Why do the really excellent models not have the best websites? There are so many mediocre models/sites. Alas, Let's keep pestering her. In the meantime, also try to pester and find pics of Yvette. Here is one to peek your interest. Good Luck!

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