What male prostars ruin it for you

Lets start of first by saying I am not gay, but there are a few males who are in videos and I cant watch, the girl could be the hottest thing in the world but there cockiness and other personality traits just ruin a good time, like most of the Bangbro's male actors are just to cocky I want to fucking beat the shit out of them.. bangbros has had some really fucking hot girls but I cant bring my self to watch it..
yeah, those dudes suck. but they do have a few good videos. I usually just watch with the sound off anyway. I can't stand to hear the guys spouting all thier lame BS and acting like it's not scripted, I also hate the cheesy jazz music, and i'm not too big on the fake O's either. It's really only cool if the chick is saying some kinky shit.

There really isn'y any guy in particular that I can't stand. I just kind of ignore the guy for the most part. but if it's an old dude with saggy balls, or a big fat sweaty bald guy, it really ruins the whole thing.
I usually just watch with the sound off anyway..

lol, i do the same thing because yeah bangbros are very annoying at times, sanchez says way too much while the two are doing their thing, same with the other cameramen. that's what bothers me the most but no on in particular though.


what the fuck you lookin at?
The ones who can't keep it up! I can't stand limp dick in my porn!
I also don't like the male over-actors either. it's like is this guy getting a BJ or passing a kidney stone?
so it looks like im not alone with the bangbros videos lol..


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I also don't like the male over-actors either. it's like is this guy getting a BJ or passing a kidney stone?

Would rep you, but a 'Hells yeah!' will have to do until I spread it around.

Face shots of the guys, fat ugly dudes, the guys from bangbros etc.

I disagree. ANY male in porn that isnt Ron Jeremy or ..eh.. some De La Croix dude.. are 'tha suck' to watch.

The ones who can't use the search button...


It's been discussed already. Come on guys it's Christmas, let's try and get this right yeah? :D

::checks calendar:: No its not.. Xmas is still on the 25th, right? Still.. repeat topics are what you guys call 'Tha devil'. Then again, so are bumps of old topics.. ya just cant win on a BB, I say! :p :)


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I like the bangbros guys, i think they're pretty funny most of the time. I can't stand Ron Jeremy, Dave Cummings or any other old fat dudes where their gut is in the shot

Call me insecure if ya want.. but I prefer to watch only the guy-on-girl porn where the guy has nothing to offer a girl in the way of looks or personality! Think of it as the Jerry Springer of porn. ('cept I dont watch Jerry.. but I understand that many people do simply to feel better about their own positions in society. No matter how low they feel, some guy.. somewhere.. is cheating on their wife with her brother the transvestite. And the jilted lover decides to beat on them both and pull her new dick out. Before dancing the pole. Twice.)
There really isn'y any guy in particular that I can't stand. I just kind of ignore the guy for the most part. but if it's an old dude with saggy balls, or a big fat sweaty bald guy, it really ruins the whole thing.

like said above, the male pornstars should just shut the fuck up. red neck / hip hop style lingo is just not needed. let teh girls do the talking. talk about attention seeking disorder


Retired Moderator
answer to topic of thread....ALL OF THEM...thats why i only watch lesbian porn

I agree with you more or less, my friend, although I watch also M/F and M/F/F: I can stand one (but not more) male performer in a scene if the girl starring therein is one of my top favourites. Lesbian scenes and female masturbation scenes are far above other kinds for me, anyway.


I eat redheads for breakfast
Any face shots of any guy - not needed.

Yep! Which is why I'd be great as a pornstar! I'd keep my end of the bargain up, so to speak, and the camera would never need to go anywhere near my ugly face!

Hopefully Taylor Rain is reading this too... :thumbsup: