What makes people vote republican

As for the lack of diversity in the republican party. Interesting, but I don't ever think of it or think it that relevant. There seem to be plenty of visible people of color in the party, Michael Steele, Condi, Powell, Jindal. The party has what it stands for and I think anyone that believes the same is more than welcome to the party. One's color is about as important to me as what color shirt someone is wearing and it does not concern me at all.

A few highly visible "token" minorities like Steele,Rice,Powell(not sure he is even a republican really anymore,talk he will endorse Obama) and Jindal do not alter the fact that the republicans still have big problem with attracting minorities to vote for them.Many inside the republican party understand that it is a big problem for them going forward if they wish to be competetive in elections in the future and have talked about how they need to do more outreach to minority communities,John McCain has tried to do that by going to areas republicans traditionally have not and by attending things like the NAACP conference which Bush had avoided.And it is the primary function of parties to win elections.Positions and stands are formed by parties to try to represent what they think people will be attracted to and vote for.Race and color are issues in american politics and society every day and will be for some time to come unfortunately.Republicans have used race and other wedge issues for decades to appeal to white voters just as dems have used those issues against republicans to attract minority voters to their side.My real question again was not even on the right or wrong of that but whether or not people who voted republican saw that it was a problem for the future.Obviously you eithier don't think republicans have a problem with minority support or don't care and are fine with the republicans being seen as again (and they are lol) an overwhelminly lilly white and male for that matter especially in leadership party.Yeah they picked Palin but just look at the differences between the two parties in the primaries.Republicans running for the nomination were all white males somewhat older too(another problem they have lol) vs the dems who had a woman,a black,an hispanic running(a lot more diversity).And in politics since you are looking for votes everywhere you can find them I think it is very relevant.More than just about any election ever the current race for the white house is evidence that race is a factor in politics,there is just no way I think that can be denied.


Closed Account
I would like to remind you of the fearmongering & how McCain & The Church Lady are warning of a "second holocaust":


Her bibical "Revelations" are frightening & & they would have the US public believe Obama/Biden don't care about this countries security.

Church lady seems over zealous about getting us into a war with Iran to save the "chosen people".

No one wants to see anything bad happen to the US nor Israel ,but this zealous saber rattling & war mongerig is getting old. This is some of the fearmongering republicans resort to.
A few highly visible "token" minorities like Steele,Rice,Powell(not sure he is even a republican really anymore,talk he will endorse Obama) and Jindal do not alter the fact that the republicans still have big problem with attracting minorities to vote for them.Many inside the republican party understand that it is a big problem for them going forward if they wish to be competetive in elections in the future and have talked about how they need to do more outreach to minority communities,John McCain has tried to do that by going to areas republicans traditionally have not and by attending things like the NAACP conference which Bush had avoided.And it is the primary function of parties to win elections.Positions and stands are formed by parties to try to represent what they think people will be attracted to and vote for.Race and color are issues in american politics and society every day and will be for some time to come unfortunately.Republicans have used race and other wedge issues for decades to appeal to white voters just as dems have used those issues against republicans to attract minority voters to their side.My real question again was not even on the right or wrong of that but whether or not people who voted republican saw that it was a problem for the future.Obviously you eithier don't think republicans have a problem with minority support or don't care and are fine with the republicans being seen as again (and they are lol) an overwhelminly lilly white and male for that matter especially in leadership party.Yeah they picked Palin but just look at the differences between the two parties in the primaries.Republicans running for the nomination were all white males somewhat older too(another problem they have lol) vs the dems who had a woman,a black,an hispanic running(a lot more diversity).And in politics since you are looking for votes everywhere you can find them I think it is very relevant.More than just about any election ever the current race for the white house is evidence that race is a factor in politics,there is just no way I think that can be denied.

You seem very hung up on diversity. I think there is no better way to assure people stay divided then to make them different. You saw a bunch of white males, or a woman, or a black, or a hispanic. I just saw Americans. It is ideas and character that do it for me not color or lack of.

I think you are way out of line to say that two Secretary of States were "tokens." I have met Ms Rice in a work capacity and she is hardly a token. She is a smart and together person who just happens to have a different world view then you.
You seem very hung up on diversity. I think there is no better way to assure people stay divided then to make them different. You saw a bunch of white males, or a woman, or a black, or a hispanic. I just saw Americans. It is ideas and character that do it for me not color or lack of.

I think you are way out of line to say that two Secretary of States were "tokens." I have met Ms Rice in a work capacity and she is hardly a token. She is a smart and together person who just happens to have a different world view then you.

Well I could just as easily say you seem to be very dismissive of diversity and it's importance.And I guess my question of how will republicans attract minorities in the future will just have to go unanswered.While I think Rice and Powell even more are very bright ,Rice has been a disaster as Secretary of State.What agreements or anything else has she accomplished during her tenure? And just look at what she was doing before that as National Security Advisor when she went round telling all those lies about WMD's and possible mushroom clouds to promote the war with iraq not to mention 9/11 which happened while she had that position.

Lot of info on her eithier lie's or incompetence here.

Well I could just as easily say you seem to be very dismissive of diversity and it's importance.And I guess my question of how will republicans attract minorities in the future will just have to go unanswered.While I think Rice and Powell even more are very bright ,Rice has been a disaster as Secretary of State.What agreements or anything else has she accomplished during her tenure? And just look at what she was doing before that as National Security Advisor when she went round telling all those lies about WMD's and possible mushroom clouds to promote the war with iraq not to mention 9/11 which happened while she had that position.

Lot of info on her eithier lie's or incompetence here.


I always thought she was a cheerleader for Geo. Bush and seems to really be brainwashed. Everything is the president thinks this, the president thinks that, and while that might be true, it's her defense of bad policies by argueing the tiny bit that might be open to logical interpretation. Powell has at least admitted his discomfort of pressure to distort his opinion of known facts and consequentually being used by the administration because of his high credibilty.
To Rice's credit, she publicly lauded Obama's speech on racism last March, an act that wasn't in keeping with the party line.
I always thought she was a cheerleader for Geo. Bush and seems to really be brainwashed. Everything is the president thinks this, the president thinks that, and while that might be true, it's her defense of bad policies by argueing the tiny bit that might be open to logical interpretation. Powell has at least admitted his discomfort of pressure to distort his opinion of known facts and consequentually being used by the administration because of his high credibilty.

Agreed,Powell still has his credibility as he has come out and admitted how he was used to give false info to the UN and is reportedly very angry he was used that way.

To Rice's credit, she publicly lauded Obama's speech on racism last March, an act that wasn't in keeping with the party line.
I agree with this also Bodie.She has spoken out on issues of race and discrimination several times.Some of that is discussed at the Wik link I had put up.She as I said is very bright and see's that such issues are real and important to confront and not hide from as some like to do.That doesn't change my opinion on her time as NSA and Sec. of State which I think she has been very poor at.


I will probably always vote Republican. My dad is "totalitarian", my mom is "Democratic".
I believe in the war. I know most people will vote against me or call me crazy. I believe that doing somthing now will help us in the future. I really don't think anyone has answers though. Everytime we vote someone in they tend to screw us over. We havn't had a good president in 4-5 terms? Bill Clinton was a good man I believe. Just couldn't keep his home life private.

I think I vote this way becuase most of my buddies are in the military, and most of my family was in the military at one point.

I do call myself Republican, but in the future if one side looks better then the other I will vote that way.


Closed Account
I believe in the war. I know most people will vote against me or call me crazy. I believe that doing somthing now will help us in the future. I really don't think anyone has answers though.

I think I vote this way becuase most of my buddies are in the military, and most of my family was in the military at one point.

You "believe in the war"? You seem to be in the the minority & even blowhard Neo Cons like Bill O'Reilly have basically admitted that IRAQ was a huge mistake.

You say "I really don't think anyone has answers though"?

We do have many answers. Most of the attackers on 9-11 were ISLAMIC FUNDAMETALIST, Saudi Arabian & Egyptian nationals who were followers of another Saudi national(Bin Laden) who was headquartered in Afghanistan, not IRAQ. So what do we do attack IRAQ?
I absolutely agree with going into Afghanistan(where the terrorist were headquartered) than into IRAQ where they were despised.:dunno:

IRAQ was a SECULAR state with a domestically strong SECULAR leader(Saddam Hussein) who despiseed ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST as much or more than we do. In a strange-bed-fellows sort of way, the guy was an US ally against Islamic Fundamentalism. Yet we take him out & open Iraq up now, with their Shia majority,to the same type of regime as Iran who has benefitted from from this silly war.
Now the The Church Lady & McCain are fearmongering again & itching to attack Iran after we have actually embolded them with this silly war in IRAQ:


Maybe I'm missing something.:dunno: Your family & friends are in the military & you reward their patriotism by voting for leaders who have no problem with lying & dragging us into useless wars?
im an independant but usually lean republican and vote as such because democrats are hipocrites and ususally wrong. just think about the the premise of this discussion and its beginning statements. also consider this hitler took power by 3 ways first he took control of the labor unions 2nd he took control of the news organizations and third he took control of the education of the youth. all three are controlled by the liberals in this coutry and there is little room for any discussion or competing view point and everytime you try to give an opposing view they character assasinate you to shut you up. but they are suppose to be the party of free speech and compassion. look what they have done to sarah palin my god people wake up and smell the bullshit lol
Here is a very good example of why I can't relate to anything democrat.
But also a reason why so many can:(

Did whipi goldenburg actually ask him is she should worry about slavery being re instated?

yes this your your party dems.....

What she was saying /asking McCain was in response to his saying he wanted "supreme court judges to interpret the constitution as the founders had intended" as though it was some sort of perfect concept at the time and should never be deviated from.Of course McCain said no he wasn't advocating that.Because lets be clear the constitution as enacted by the founders absolutely allowed for slavery.Many portions of the constitution are great democratic ideals but it was far from perfect in many ways.Slavery,no rights for women as just a couple of examples.To think that some document from the 1780s with all the biases and views of that time contained in it as they were is something that is perfect is silly.The supreme courts role was to be there to interpret it and to adjust it's iinterpretation to fit modern situations,thats why it is really not all that specific in many cases in its language and was seen as just an outline of rights and liberties and to let the supreme court decide how those rights will actually be used in real world in real time.And I would just add thats why who gets (which president with what kind of philosophy about individual rights) to select supreme court judges is so important.
im an independant but usually lean republican and vote as such because democrats are hipocrites and ususally wrong. just think about the the premise of this discussion and its beginning statements. also consider this hitler took power by 3 ways first he took control of the labor unions 2nd he took control of the news organizations and third he took control of the education of the youth. all three are controlled by the liberals in this coutry and there is little room for any discussion or competing view point and everytime you try to give an opposing view they character assasinate you to shut you up. but they are suppose to be the party of free speech and compassion. look what they have done to sarah palin my god people wake up and smell the bullshit lol

What have they 'done' to Sarah Palin?
What have they "Said" about Palin!
Add Sandra to the growing list of deranged Dem supporters against Sarah Palin...
** Leading Dem Barney Frank- Sarah Palin's family and pregnant teen are fair game.
** Chief Obama Supporter Howard Gutman- She's a bad mother.
** Senator Joe Biden- Palin would be a backward step for women.
** MTV Awards Host Russell Brand- Sarah Palin. She’s a VILF! A vice president I’d like to... fondle.
** Hollywood's Matt Damon- She's like this really bad Disney movie.
** Dem Leader Carol Fowler- She's only qualified because she did not have an abortion.
** Professor Wendy Doniger: Palin's biggest hypocrisy is her pretense that she's a woman.
** Comedian Bill Maher: Palin is a snarling bitch.
** Film critic Roger Ebert- She's a shallow, chirpy person with those vaguely alarming eyeglasses.
** Former Senator Lincoln Chafee- Palin is a "cocky wacko."
** Hollywood's Pamela Anderson- I can't stand her. She can suck it.
** Singer Pink- Sarah Palin hates women.
** Comedian Brad Garrett- Palin is white trash.
** Air America's Randi Rhodes- She can't be trusted with teenage boys.
** Leftist Juan Cole- Sarah Palin resembles those of Muslim fundamentalists.
** Author Cintra Wilson - She's a f**kable Christian Stepford wife in a ’sexy librarian’ costume.
** Wonder Woman Linda Carter- America should be very afraid.
** Hollywood's Lindsay Lohan- (She's) a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)- She doesn't know anything.
** Vagina Monologues author Eve Ensler- Sarah Palin does not much believe in thinking.
** Actress Sandra Bernhard- Turncoat bitch! Don’t you f**king reference Old Testament, bitch!


Closed Account
Where did I say 'said'? We all know what was said.
I was quoting you and you said 'did'.

So I'll ask again; what is it they 'did' to Sarah Palin?

I was thinking the same thing as I can run off a page or so of things 'said' about Hillary Clinton & especially Obama which is pointless.

Now I believe they will say that the media asking legitimate questions about a woman who the public is unfamiliar with & one who may be President if McBush wins the Presidency. That sounds like responsible journalism.

They haven't 'done' anything to her since the McBush camp is hiding her from the media .