As for the lack of diversity in the republican party. Interesting, but I don't ever think of it or think it that relevant. There seem to be plenty of visible people of color in the party, Michael Steele, Condi, Powell, Jindal. The party has what it stands for and I think anyone that believes the same is more than welcome to the party. One's color is about as important to me as what color shirt someone is wearing and it does not concern me at all.
A few highly visible "token" minorities like Steele,Rice,Powell(not sure he is even a republican really anymore,talk he will endorse Obama) and Jindal do not alter the fact that the republicans still have big problem with attracting minorities to vote for them.Many inside the republican party understand that it is a big problem for them going forward if they wish to be competetive in elections in the future and have talked about how they need to do more outreach to minority communities,John McCain has tried to do that by going to areas republicans traditionally have not and by attending things like the NAACP conference which Bush had avoided.And it is the primary function of parties to win elections.Positions and stands are formed by parties to try to represent what they think people will be attracted to and vote for.Race and color are issues in american politics and society every day and will be for some time to come unfortunately.Republicans have used race and other wedge issues for decades to appeal to white voters just as dems have used those issues against republicans to attract minority voters to their side.My real question again was not even on the right or wrong of that but whether or not people who voted republican saw that it was a problem for the future.Obviously you eithier don't think republicans have a problem with minority support or don't care and are fine with the republicans being seen as again (and they are lol) an overwhelminly lilly white and male for that matter especially in leadership party.Yeah they picked Palin but just look at the differences between the two parties in the primaries.Republicans running for the nomination were all white males somewhat older too(another problem they have lol) vs the dems who had a woman,a black,an hispanic running(a lot more diversity).And in politics since you are looking for votes everywhere you can find them I think it is very relevant.More than just about any election ever the current race for the white house is evidence that race is a factor in politics,there is just no way I think that can be denied.