Now consider this. It certainly seems, when you look at this election in an unscientific way (no gallup poll BS), that Obama has far more support than McCain. Obama draws far greater numbers at his speeches and his supporters seem more passionate. Obama also raises a lot more money than McCain which indicates that people are more willing to donate to the Obama campaign than they are to the McCain campaign. Then consider the fact that McCain is a republican and represents the party that has gotten us into an unpopular war, an economic crises and has decreased our countries standing in the world. All these factors would lead us to believe that Obama should win this election easily.
All signs (polls aside) point to an Obama victory. So what will be the implications if Obama loses? Will people loss all faith in our supposed "democracy"? Will people trust the system anymore? How many accusations and investigations of voter fraud will come about in such a situation? Could violence and chaos insue? Will people riot?
I think these are all fair questions. I know that I already have trouble trusting the fairness of the system. I may never trust it again if McCain wins.
I disagree with your reading of the situation as it stands. I don't think anything points to anything right now.
If I could sum up what your point is: Because the "elite" and especially the media love Obama he is going to win easily. I mean come on, look how glorious he looks on TV and how smooth he is on interviews with reporters who "felt this thrill going up my leg" when he talks.
You have to make up your mind. Are republicans a bunch of uneducated rubes or are they evil geniuses who can figure out how to rig an election right under the eyes of a media who "felt this thrill going up my leg" when Obama talkes?