What make is your mobile phone (phones) ??


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Brand and model ?
Are you satisfied ? Is it free form defects ?

Mine is Nokia E66. I've got it since may and I'm completely satisfied . Really solid phone .


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Blackberry 8830. It works great but I hate it. Ball and chain.....

It's lousy as a web browser as well....mobile web sucks.
I have a Motorola MotoRizr Z6tv. I've had it for a year and a half, and I've had to get it replaced twice. The first time, the directional button cover fell off and made it really hard for me to navigate through menus, and the second time it was because my coverage would constantly go from full reception to "Searching for Network" and back to mediocre reception without me even moving the handset. Now that I've had the replacement for 3 months, I realize that it had nothing to do with the phone, and everything to do with Verizon providing shitty service. :mad:
I've got myself a Voyager, which I really disgust. I'm looking to sometime soon trade it in for an LG Dare.
I've got myself a Voyager, which I really disgust. I'm looking to sometime soon trade it in for an LG Dare.

Don't bother. My roommate got one 3 weeks ago, and he says it sucks ass. His speaker doesn't work, the touch screen can be goofy at times, and texting can be a pain in the ass.
Don't bother. My roommate got one 3 weeks ago, and he says it sucks ass. His speaker doesn't work, the touch screen can be goofy at times, and texting can be a pain in the ass.

Hmm, I'll have to look into that. My problem is, I really don't want any of the other high end phones Verizon is trying to push because:

A. They are rediculously expensive and
B. I sort of hate Verizon for crippling the capabilities of their phones.
Sony Ericsson K750i - Getting on now but still does everything I need a phone to do. Plus it's my portable radio, my digital camera and my main mp3 player.
A tin can with LOTS of strings going everywhere.

I cause traffic jams wherever I go.

Seriously, I think it's a Nokia.

And it works fine

...except when a string breaks.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I've had the same cell phone since I was a sophomore in high school, so it's...:does some math:...about 10 years old. HA...it sucks, but it still works. It's some totally outdated AT&T phone that still has the default blue screen, no camera and a stock silver color.

blue ballz 22

Closed Account
motorola I877 (had it unlocked and use boost service for it). i use it mainly for calls from people that need their driveway plowed.

motorola I576 (also unlocked and uses boost service) use it for work at a construction business

Apple iPhone as a personal phone


It's good to be the king...
Samsung . . . something or other . . .


Apart from access to the Web and camera facility, it does...absolutely nothing else, except allow me to make and receive phone calls.

(gave up a while back trying to keep up with all the upgrades....)
Motorola RazR from Sprint. I'm happy with the service. The only thing that sucks on this phone is the battery.
Nokia 3200 from year 2003. I know it's old but I use it only for making calls, receiving calls and sending messages. It also has a primitive camera, but I haven't used it for years.