What is your prefered pet animal?

easy to say dogs:wave2:


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D-rock said:
I don't have any pets at the moment but my answer would be a dog. If you get a good one and take care of it they are completely loyal, will do things for you that are of pratical value, and are willing to die for you if the situation warrants it. I can't say anything like that for any other pet I have ever seen.

sums up dogs well. Although im more of a cat person, mainly coz i idolise them.. id love to just sit around all day and sleep and not give a shit about anything. Purrr-fect life (sorry for the pun)
Deffinately dogs. Theyre so like people.

Yes! 100! BOO-YAH!
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Dogs for me - I love them. :)
Definately cats for me. I haven't had a dog, but I've met my fair share of them. Some are cute, but I still prefer cats. They can be so incredibly lazy, but also run around completely crazy and do stupid things.:D