what is your opinion on race mixing?


My Penis Is Dancing!
Cut the skin off a white man, a black man, an man of the orient, a Native American and put them side by side, and you will be unable to tell the difference. This race thing is all a man-made fantasy.
And only a retard would try to compare a black man having sex with a white woman, with a zebra having sex with a lion. Looks like somebody needed to actually pay attention in biology class rather than eating paste.
It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:

No but I've seen plenty of dogs fuck cats, so what's your point. Johan's right, you're mixing up species and race.

These 2 cats are very different. But still they both are from the same race : Domestic short haired cat.
Race have nothing to do with look, it's about genes and genticians have proved it : all humans are from the same race.

Well put. Thank you.


Closed Account
define "racist."

youre a pos for claiming that shit.

You're a pos for making that stupid comment "keep the white race alive"
You're a pos that you are against races breeding and mixing with each other
You probably still believe in segragation
You're a pos for being ignorant in the first place

Overall you're a deep hearted racist and an ignorant one at that. So don't be mad because your so called sister dated and fucked a person of another race:p
We must remember that we are all basically monkeys or fishes.

Some are white, some are black and many are yellow.

The most important thing is that we are trying to live a peacrful co-existence.
It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:

You're a pos for making that stupid comment "keep the white race alive"
You're a pos that you are against races breeding and mixing with each other
You probably still believe in segragation
You're a pos for being ignorant in the first place

Overall you're a deep hearted racist and an ignorant one at that. So don't be mad because your so called sister dated and fucked a person of another race:p



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:

What is wrong about it? What does it fuck up? Is it unnatural for an Irishman to be with a Greek? A Mexican to be with a Spaniard? Please explain where the seperations should be. By color of skin? Religion? Geographical region? Cultural?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:

You are a special kind of retarded. :facepalm:

It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:

you're unique alright, you are a fucking idiot.
It's wrong. And, I'm not saying it to judge others. I just think that the Orientals should stay within their own race, and that blacks should stay in their own race, and whites stay in their own race, etc.

You don't see a lion trying to mate with a zebra do you? It's fucking wrong, and it's un fucking natural.

We are all unique in our own ways. Genetically and in other ways. It becomes fucked up when you start mixing the races.

:2 cents:
Off course you do have made some genealogy research about your familly and checked you grand-grand-grand-grand-father wasn't some black dude, do you ?
Whenever you mix an AZZHOLE with an AZZHOLE, they only thing that get´s out is another AZZHOLE .....Mr. Sam Fisher, AZZHOLE ! :angels::D

A lot of you know by now that I was a sailor, ( 2nd. nautical mate ) , travelling round the planet on very different ships like tankers and cargo-heavylift-liners. Then I changed to hydraulic engineer + certified welder on aircargo-systems worldwide . I know from every *race* total IDIOTS + VEEERRYY intelligent + clever ppls. And I got friends in ANY COLOUR , and I got HATERS in any colour. I say COLOUR , because there is only ONE RACE , the HUMAN RACE . They just got different SKIN-COLOURS, ...thats ALL.
But I REALLY + ALWAYS have a problem with RELIGIOUS EXTREMISTS , who are not very interested to ACCEPT another religion. This maybe ISLAMISTS , HINDUISTS , CHRISTS ... and these AZZHOLES may have a skincolour whatever they need. ALL OF THEM ARE ONE THING ONLY .

A Z Z H O L E S !!!:D:D:facepalm::angels:
Off course you do have made some genealogy research about your familly and checked you grand-grand-grand-grand-father wasn't some black dude, do you ?

Of course I have. My great gandfather came from France. My great gandmother came from Italy. No negro blood in me.

what is your opinion on race mixing?

while i am sort of attracted to mulatos, i think the beauty in the human race lies more in our uniqueness and not how we've become so much more unidentifiable.

this thread is not meant to incite mean spirits but an honest discussion about this issue.
I would tell you but I was banned not too long ago for stating my opinion on this very matter.
Of course I have. My great gandfather came from France. My great gandmother came from Italy. No negro blood in me.

No african blood but french blood... You should be ashamed, French are one of the most liberal people in the world. Your great grand father was probably a commie.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Of course it's wrong! How is this even a question?! I mean, God made Adam and Eve. He didn't make Adam and Steve! Amirite?

Course, with that said, where did ol' Steve come from anyway? :confused: I'll tell ya where Steve came from: he popped out when a lion mated with a zebra... that's where he came from! Race mixing is wrong! It's in the Bible. I don't know where about exactly, but it is! I'm sure of it. Any good Evangelical preacher will tell ya that. Then, after that, he'll explain to ya how them thar wimen folk need to know their place and how Hitler was God's way of punishing the Jews for killing Jesus. No race mixing! :nono: No wimen folk in positions of power. :nono: And Jews are bad... but Israel is good. :yesyes: See, I learned a whole bunch of good stuff that summer at the Church of God pf Prophecy Bible Camp. Too bad my parents wouldn't let me go back after I told them about all the good stuff that I'd learned. :(

Race mixing is horrible for our nation... and our planet! When races mix, you end up with hideous creatures like this here Briana Lee girl. Look at her! Jest look at her! Fornicatin' with another female. Well, there ort to be a law agin this sort of race mixin', lesbionic fornicatin'... and blatant nekidness!!! Who's with me?! Let's go out and burn some crosses in the name of racial purity and virtuous living, my brothers!!!

Race mixing is horrible for our nation... and our planet! When races mix, you end up with hideous creatures like this here Briana Lee girl. Look at her! Jest look at her! Fornicatin' with another female. Well, there ort to be a law agin this sort of race mixin', lesbionic fornicatin'... and blatant nekidness!!! Who's with me?! Let's go out and burn some crosses in the name of racial purity and virtuous living, my brothers!!!

What an abomination !

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
What an abomination !

Ain't it though?! Ort ta be a law, man... there ort ta be a law!!! :D

While I wouldn't encourage sympathy for racists and rednecks, I do encourage people to learn some empathy. Think for a second about who they are and what they are. Seriously. Especially for lower class people in Sam's age group, the world has shifted severely - and not in a good way. In his lifetime he has seen things shift from a Black doctor, with a medical degree, not having the same rights as a White ditch digger, with a third grade education, to a "mulatto"/Black man (a radical communist Muslim born in Kenya, no less!) becoming President of the most powerful nation on Earth... beating two different White men for that office and actually getting a great number of ("racially confused"/race traitor) White people to vote for him! When Sam was born, Obama wouldn't have even had the right to vote and his parents' marriage would have been considered illegal in almost all of the southern American states. Now, fast forward to 2008-2012, and that Black bastard is a two term President of the United States of America!!! :wtf: :facepalm: :mad: :brick:

That new reality is hard to face for these people. It's not (as) hard for White professionals who are well educated, have high incomes, nice homes in good neighborhoods and have something more to base their personal worth on than the color of their skin. But for your average Jethro (who can't get a decent job because he doesn't have his GED and his fresh-out-of-rehab fat wife has to use WIC food stamps to feed the youngins) just seeing Obama with that Presidential seal under his name or Michael Jordan with a young, blonde White woman, who wouldn't give Mr. Jethro the time of day, has to be infuriating. It's got to be tough. So some understanding of their perilous fate helps. It's bad enough that the Blacks are taking over and can openly walk with White women in public these days, but even well to do Whites are not helping their downtrodden White brothers and sisters. The only thing worse than a race mixer is a race traitor! Where I lived before, we had Black professional members in our private, members only rifle and pistol club. But we did not allow in the Jethro types, with their 1972 Chevy pickups with rusted out fenders and Confederate flag stickers on the bumpers. You see, we were apparently race traitors! We were the worsts of the worse; allowing Blacks and Jews in our club and even letting them live beside us in our gated communities! Hell, some of them even allowed their kids to date other races! The racial puritans sure didn't let no Negroes or Hebrews live beside them in their trailer parks, now did they?! Hell to the no! White power 4ever! Something should have been done about us. Unfortunately, most of us owned scoped, high powered Weatherby and Browning rifles... so there wasn't much that could have been done about the situation - though I'm sure that many a rejected redneck would have loved to have tried! But getting shot in the balls by a .300 Weatherby Magnum, while you're trying to get that cross lit, would have been a real rough way to leave this world.

If you ever come to America, Johan, please allow me to show you around. I live in the south. You may have the impression that the south is just chocked full of rednecks and neo-confederates flying rebel flags, who burn KKK crosses on the weekends. And while that ilk does exist, it is largely exclusive to a particular class of southerner: the species, redneckus cousin fukerus (that's a, uh, Latin technical term, BTW). We'll pass by a trailer park on the other end of the county (where we keep them "segregated") and I'll show you some of them. Then we can come back here, have a cook-out, ride the horses and mingle with my friends... Blacks, Jews and I think one guy is even gay. Us southerners are not all alike.