What is your favourite alcoholic beverage?

I am a beer man myself. Sometimes cider

Although i am not opposed to the odd spirit. Vodka,whiskey etc
Have you tried jagerbomb's?. Those are so nice


Closed Account
Black russian all the way, love that drink so much.

But its depending on my mood.

Sometimes I´m more than happy to knock back a few cold beers or ciders, sometimes, especially if you have a big dinner, you really cant go wrong with vodka or a flavoured schnapps.

I do miss the old bar we used to go to where they served Eyeballs, highball glass filled with vodka, and then they slowly poured baileys in to that, which doesnt mix with the vodka, it stays in the middle with tendrils shooting out... you drink it in one go, when that lump of baileys goes down your throat... its an odd experience... and they refused to serve you more than 3 per night, since its a highball glass filled with vodka... god damn you got drunk off them.
Sapphire and tonic, Crown and anything or on the rocks, Stella as far as beer goes.


knows petras secret: she farted.
beer all the way.

if im gona go hard (which is never) 7&7 all the way.

although i used to be quite fond of vanilla coke and vanilla vodka.
G&T (my first ever taste of alcohol).

Seagram's with St. Ide's Mixed Fruit. :drool2: (favorite all time, I believe)

Bacardi Limon'. :drool2:

I'm almost exclusively a beer drinker.


For the EMPEROR!!
Beer mainly for the daytime and bourbon for the nights.

Though it's not a hard and fast rule. ..

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

Bud Light or Miller High Life. Why? Because they're cheap. I enjoy good beer as well, but the cheap stuff will always be my favorite. Fuck, if I'm having the guys over, we still go out and get a few cases of Busch Light bottles. And if you're at Wrigley Field with me, the only beer you will drink is Old Style. Trying to buy anything else gets you punched in the dick.