What is your favorite color?

for me, definitely blue, red and purple :) oh, and green is nice too lol I like all colors :)
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Black and Darkred...like blood..

and i only can choose one i will have to go with a darker shade of grey


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I don't have a favourite colour.

I've never understood this. Ok, so some poeple might have one they really like, but it seems this day in age everyone is expected to have a favourite colour.

It must be one of the most asked questions of all time. When asking about peoples personalities anyway.

I recon most people just try to pick one as their favourite, just to have an answer to the question. They don't actually believe it's their favourite...

Overthinking? You damn right i am.
I like fresh positive-rep green!

Seriously though, green like this
Black like THIS its brutal. Also blue and red so all the homeys know that im all hood and... (I just threw up some gang signs, now Im good with all the dawgs.:thumbsup:)
Due to work purposes 90% of my wardrobe is black, but that isn't necessarily my favorite color. I like teal, green, and blue.
Black, yellow, red and violet