What is this woman's name?

In my opinion they are fake wife and husband, they have similar facial features, i think they are brother and sister. Can't find any other video with her, so it could be the only one she appeared on. I remember when it was called Pornoakce, it was possible to sign in to take part to the gangbang, so it's very possible this is real amateur.
In my opinion they are fake wife and husband, they have similar facial features, i think they are brother and sister. Can't find any other video with her, so it could be the only one she appeared on. I remember when it was called Pornoakce, it was possible to sign in to take part to the gangbang, so it's very possible this is real amateur.

I agree. That guy has been in a couple of Czech porn videos and he looked a bit younger. I've never seen her anywhere else. Someone gave her name as Tamara with some Czech surname, she gets called Tami.
Great find bro!

They gang banged her under her own name when she has a sensitive profession like that. That's so fucking hot. The scene where they drag her into the balcony to fuck her in view of the street and onlookers is even hotter now too.

She was still at university that year according to the date on her thesis but she might have been a nurse upgrading her skills, I don't know.

But yeah, she was nervous to start with then went with the flow. The total opposite to Czech Gangbang 10.