What is the nicest thing a stranger has done for you?


Closed Account
Was reading about the homeless man who turned in over $40,000 in travelers checks, and it got me remembering.

In 1989 we had a severe drought, no crops, hay, or pasture. Every farmer was going broke in the county, we were planning on selling all of our cattle as we couldn't feed them. Then an amazing thing happened, farmers on the East coast heard about our problems and started sending supplies. They sent entire semi trailers full of hay for the livestock. They kept a lot of us from losing everything, I will always be grateful for that.

Big or small kindness I would like to hear about it.
I'm pretty sure your OP will win, thats pretty mental.

The only example I can think of personally is that I was once walking up the A5 near Lichfield with my cannister in my hand having abandoned my car which had managed to run out mid-journey (and unbeknownst to me the clutch had gone too), and a stranger took pity on me and picked me up. I wasn't expecting or even trying to get a lift. Not only did he drive me up to the next town so I could fill my cannister, he also drive me back down to my car. Completely selfless.


Closed Account
The only example I can think of personally is that I was once walking up the A5 near Lichfield with my cannister in my hand having abandoned my car which had managed to run out mid-journey (and unbeknownst to me the clutch had gone too), and a stranger took pity on me and picked me up. I wasn't expecting or even trying to get a lift. Not only did he drive me up to the next town so I could fill my cannister, he also drive me back down to my car. Completely selfless.

I had something like this happen as well, I broke down in the country about thirty miles from the nearest town, and started walking. A nice woman picked me up, and drove me into town and dropped me off at a mechanic with a tow truck. She went at least ten miles past her own place. This was before cell phones so I was quite grateful.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
A year or so ago, a guy cut me off to dart into a drive-thru at a fastfood joint. Nothing pisses me off more than someone cutting me off, in traffic or anywhere else. But for once, I didn't go ballistic. And when I got to the window to pay, the guy had asked how much my order was and he had already paid for it. I thought that was pretty cool of him. So I paid for the person's order behind me. Hopefully they did the same thing for the person behind them, so on & so forth. I was in a good mood for the rest of that day.

Odd how when someone does something nice, even when they don't have to, that it puts a nice spin on the rest of your day.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
The only example I can think of personally is that I was once walking up the A5 near Lichfield with my cannister in my hand having abandoned my car which had managed to run out mid-journey (and unbeknownst to me the clutch had gone too), and a stranger took pity on me and picked me up. I wasn't expecting or even trying to get a lift. Not only did he drive me up to the next town so I could fill my cannister, he also drive me back down to my car. Completely selfless.

And then you was found bent over the hood of your car with you panties around your ankles....
When I came back to my home country with a plane and was waiting at train station, some unknown person came to sit next to me and started eyeballing, swearing and showing middle finger at me. That's when I knew that I had finally returned back to my lovely homeland full of nice, cheerful and happy people. Or maybe one guard telling me a joke when he confused my tired look to sad look and wanted to cheer me up or strangers giving me candies when I ring their doorbells as a child, but that was a part of some event anyway... Those are pretty much the nicest things any stranger has ever done to me and most people will just settle for backstabbing. Looking down at people trying to find bigger flaws than one itself has, seems to be the only working way for people without any positive in their lifes to increase their poor self-confidence.
She let me cum in her mouth. Sure, it cost me an extra $20 bucks, but I'd just met her half an hour earlier. :)
I lost my wallet yesterday I had about $300 in cash, a Mastercard, and few other things so about 2 hours later this sweet 21 year old girl knocked on my door to give it back to me with everything there. So I invited her in because I was so happy, I made coffee and brought out some cookies and we talked for about an hour.
I lost my wallet yesterday I had about $300 in cash, a Mastercard, and few other things so about 2 hours later this sweet 21 year old girl knocked on my door to give it back to me with everything there. So I invited her in because I was so happy, I made coffee and brought out some cookies and we talked for about an hour.

That reminds me of another one. A stranger I never met saved me no end of hardship. During my first trip to Tokyo two days before my most expensive day of the trip and three days before my return flight, I dropped my wallet in the street containing my debit and credit card, driving license, PASMO (train) card, and about £300/$450 (at the time) worth of Yen. About an hour later I met up with my host in a blind panic, and he took me to the police station which was conveniently very nearby. Amazingly not only had it been handed in, cards and everything intact, but cash as well. Maybe that's just my expectations that Western society has caused me to have, that I thought *not* taking my cash before handing in my wallet is "nice" rather than just unexceptional i.e. what anybody would do.


Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
On my way to the gym yesterday morning, a lady came speeding through a pedestrian crossing and almost ran me over. Well, she didn't come close enough to make me fear for my life, but it was certainly close enough to piss me right off. (I cross this street on foot several times a week, and unfortunately this is a fairly common occurrence - so many ignorant drivers out there!) So, because this happens often, I was especially frustrated... thinking things to myself like "what a disgrace to female drivers everywhere", etc. But then, she turned around and doubled back around the block, pulled over beside me, and even got out of her car - just to apologize profusely. It was very sincere, and I could tell she genuinely felt terrible and would probably be more careful in the future.

The fact that she took the time to double back just to apologize really made my day, a lot of people would have just thought to themselves, "Oops! My bad", and kept driving. It's amazing how such seemingly trivial things - good or bad - can sometimes affect us.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
During my first week of work at the casino I was giving a man change for a hundred (he wanted 20's) but for some reason I wasn't paying attention and instead of giving him 5 twenties I handed him 5 hundred dollar bills! He immediately corrected me and handed me back the money. The worst part was I didn't even notice and if it wasn't for this guy being so honest and nice I wouldn't have my job today.. A 500 dollar variance is 450 dollars over firing status.