what is the male iquivelant of the "C" word?

I was talking with a few of my friends the other night and some of them were female and we got onto the topic of the "C" word. we tried to come up with a word to call males that is as bad as the "C" word but we couldn't.

any thoughts?

I called a guy a "load of Cock Snot" a few years back.... it had the same effect as "cunt".



never thought of that one

This is a little strange to me, because where I'm from, the "C" word is used as an insult to both sexes.

It is used by both sexes to either sex. It makes no odds.

Sure most girls hate the word, but it is not exclusive to females to be called a "C"

So, there is no need of an equivalent because it applies to anyone you want.

where are you from?




Then you've never heard a northerner say it

no i have not because i have never been to northern england, it kinda does sound like an english thing though
Let's make it santorum-sipper. (I know, it's a bit long, but hey)


doesn't this only apply to people who have red hair

This is the way I look at it. You know if someone calls you Einstein, they are really insulting your intelligence, right? Also, its the same thing if they call you Sherlock...following? Well, if someone called me Carrot Top, I'd be pretty damn offended. And he's only funny if you're high! Plus it starts with a C. :)
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