What is the latest good film you watched ?

The Machinist


Yeah, that really is Christian Bale...creepy eh?
Actually the Remake of the Crazies. It was quite good.

I have nothing to compare it too though being the original was the ONLY damned Romero movie I have yet to see.
Actually the Remake of the Crazies. It was quite good.

I have nothing to compare it too though being the original was the ONLY damned Romero movie I have yet to see.
The Dead Outside.
Ponty Pool.

I got them all at HMV the other day there. I watched them all in the space of one day as well.
The Dead Outside.
Ponty Pool.

I got them all at HMV the other day there. I watched them all in the space of one day. The only one out of place is Triangle due to it not having 28 Days Later styled Infected in it. Triangle is more of a psychlogical thriller me thinks.
Pontypool & Triangle are good. If you like Triangle I would recommend Timecrimes
Pontypool & Triangle are good. If you like Triangle I would recommend Timecrimes

I more or less bought Triangle because of Melissa George. But the movie it's self kept me watching so it was good enough I suppose.


Lost at Birth
The Devil Came on Horseback

brutal and hard to watch but a personal view documentary on the tragedy in Darfur. shocking just how evil human beings can treat fellow human beings. then to see the political spins once the truth comes out is just gut wrenching.

Hotel Rwanda

yeah i saw this movie in the theatre a few years back. everyone leaving the theatre was like a zombie, just quiet and reflective and emotionally drained. Don Cheadle did a terrific job in this movie.
I just watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) I haven't seen it in years and I forgot how lousy it was. The TV show is WAAAAAAAAAY better!
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