What is the latest good film you watched ?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I saw that movie a few days ago, very odd.

Like the giant squid.

The ending pissed me off! my roommate liked it but we argued all night about the choices they could have taken at that extreme moment.

I actually liked that movie UNTIL that part. Now I don't even want to think of the movie. I read the short story many times and it is awesome. The short story almost compares to the movie (until the end of course).
There Will Be Blood

That's an awesome drama. Daniel Day Lewis earned that Oscar.
Rented I Am Legend this weekend. Will Smith did a really good job carrying that movie. The "creatures" were too CGI-looking, IMO, though.
I actually thought it was better than the other half 'Death Proof'

I liked Deathproof also. When you watch QT flicks, you have to expect alot of talking because it builds up to twists in the movie though.

Planet Terror was just a pointless action-packed gore-fest, but it was hilarious and awesome at being that.

I liked how RR and QT made the movies look B-movie-like also. They added a different concept there.

The mock trailers were fuckin hilarious though! I laughed so hard watching them. It's too bad that the 3 trailers before Deathproof were not in the DVD. I assume they weren't because they were not created by QT but each were made by Rob Zombie, Eli Roth, and the Shaun of the Dead guys.

That is why the Machete trailer (created by RR) was introduced before Planet Terror.

I figured that Rob Zombie would have included the "Nazi Werewolf Women in the SS" trailer in his "Halloween" movie but he didn't. Guess he didn't want to mix them because their objectives are quite different. The SS trailer was a joke and Halloween was meant to be scary and serious.
I am Legend, wasn't great, but was ok. Although it kinda left me feeling like I could have done a better job of surviving than he did, considering he was supposed to be a colonel he was kinda sloppy.
30 Days of Night.

Pretty good movie, although it never really felt cold watching it. The Thing captured the feeling of cold and isolation better.