What is the latest good film you watched ?

Born of Hope

It's fan Lord of the Rings fan film. It is set about 70 years before LOTR (and 10 years before The Hobbit) and it's about Aragorn mother and father,how they met, how his father died, hoxw his mom took him to be raised in Rivendell, etc.
Probably the best LOTR fan film ever made ; $30,000 budget, decent actors all invested in their parts. Everything, from props to make-up, special effects, sets, etc. is pretty good actually.



About "Eyes Wide Shut:" Abigail Good's character is called Mysterious Woman. But, I'd say Captivating. Even Sydney Pollack's character acknowledges what a great set of tits she has.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I just got done watching "Nobody", with Bob Odenkirk. It was a great shoot 'em up action flick, but it was funny, because he's older, and you can see how he's not as bad ass as he was, but still is. His dad was played by Christopher Lloyd, and he was ex CIA. He facial expressions alone are priceless. I mean, "Jim Ignatowski", with a sawed off shotgun, kicking ass.



Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I just watched "Wrath of Man", with Jason Statham. It wasn't a cinematic masterpiece, but if you dig shoot 'em up action movies, it's not bad. Post Malone is a in it for a couple of quick scenes, as a bad guy.

Out for home release now. Fun Action-comedy; I got a quite a few laughs.
The climactic fight was also well done and a great action sequence.


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Underworld (2003)

All the Underworld movies are good, but the first one is still my favorite, and probably my favorite vampire movie.

Underworld's Selene - Fight Moves Compilation - Oct 5, 2016