What is the latest good film you watched ?

The Last Jedi.

An OK film that gets boosted into the "Good film" category, just because after seeing it, I can finally spend more than five minutes playing an online game without worrying about some dickhead being a smart arse and trying to spoil things.
I saw "The Last Jedi." Effects for the opening scene alone were worth the ticket price! There ARE two scenes which .. people will be talking about. You'll know them when you see them. Much better than Part VII. This one has an original story line. And - Rey and her cute, pointy nose and rockin' legs is as adorable as ever. ;-)
The Shape of Water.

Here is my spoiler free review

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017) I prefer the episode numbers in the title. As far as the film goes, although I liked it overall in the grand scheme of the saga, I was also very disappointed by this film.
I was chatting with the fellas over at Synapse Films earlier this year and they mentioned they were doing a thorough restoration of Dario Argento's Suspiria. I pre-ordered a copy and received my Blu-ray Steelbook in the mail the other day and watched it last night. Synapse did such a great job. Looked incredible on my Sony XBR940E 75'' 4K. The colors and the sound were a treat to behold. Try to track down this Synapse Films Steelbook if it at all interests you.



Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017) - Loved it!!

If any collectors are out there who want a premium program from the Japan release send me a PM. I bought some extras and have a few for sale.
78 pages, brilliant color photos of cast, characters, production, scenes...