Oldboy http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/
Great action, great story, and an extremely disturbing twist. I recommend it for anyone who is man enough to handle subtitles.
Oldboy http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0364569/
Great action, great story, and an extremely disturbing twist. I recommend it for anyone who is man enough to handle subtitles.
Rat Race
The Spongebob Squarepants Movie
Last Man Standing
this one?
i loved that movie. it's actually a very old story, the stranger playing both sides in a turf war. this one has so much star power, how can it not be loved? strangely it got universally panned. it's ending is "european". other versions of that story include:
a fistful of dollars
miller's crossing
and i recommend them all.:thumbsup: