Superman Returns
Hey man I loved that movie! I have watched it with my Goddaughter a million times and never get tired of it!:thumbsup:can you believe i just saw finding nemo? everyone loved it, but i just kept thinking it was a children's movie... until i watched it. great movie, and i didn't think i'd be rooting for a cartoon movie
can you believe i just saw finding nemo? everyone loved it, but i just kept thinking it was a children's movie... until i watched it. great movie, and i didn't think i'd be rooting for a cartoon movie
"What is the latest film you watched ?"
On my list.I saw Idlewild today, it was pretty cool 8/10
I watched Apocalypse Now:The Complete Dossier A fresh look at a cinematic masterpiece!
Good one!
'The Bourne' series is great! Both movies are two of my favorite films all time. I can't wait for The Bourne Ultimatum to come out next year. :thumbsup: