What is the latest good film you watched ?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Honestly, I didn't like that one. I just see the ending as unsatisfying.

Well, I guess you're one of those people who needs to have everything defined for him in order to be "satisfied". What would have done it for you....Aaron just wimpishly goes off to the asylum and Gere returns to his pretentious life of invincibility? Personally, I got a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that he got trumped by his client but hey that's just me. I love seeing the high and mighty being toppled. Guess you don't. C'est le vie. Try It's a Wonderful Life. I think you'd like it. ;)

Also, I saw Lucy today and thought it was a very entertaining flick in spite of the vitriol being thrown at it by the critics. Advise not dissecting it as science and realize it's just a movie and you'll be fine with it....especially if you drop acid about 30 minutes before seeing it. Plus, Scarlett Johansson is awesome no matter what.
Well, I guess you're one of those people who needs to have everything defined for him in order to be "satisfied". What would have done it for you....Aaron just wimpishly goes off to the asylum and Gere returns to his pretentious life of invincibility? Personally, I got a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that he got trumped by his client but hey that's just me. I love seeing the high and mighty being toppled. Guess you don't. C'est le vie. Try It's a Wonderful Life. I think you'd like it. ;)

You must have misconstrued what I meant to say. What does definition of everything have to do with satisfaction? To me personally it's not about invincibility and delusions. I never saw lawyers as the mighty. I don't care how lawyers see themselves or how they feel about themselves - that has nothing to do with the bigger evil getting what it deserves. And I didn't like It's A Wonderful Life.
Just after seeing "Dawn of the Planet of The Apes" last night
Very interested , dramatic sequel events in the sequel the logical follow on from the first film, which was also excellent and starred James Franco and Freido Pinto
I thought the Apes of the sequel reminded me of humans , while the humans are greatly weakened with what happened the last time we were in San Francisco.
The battle for supremacy is beginning to tilt away from Humanity in this film steadily . Very good performances Any Serkis, Gary Oldman , Keri Russel among others
(Looks like Godzilla went to Hell on the city in a big way when he stomped through although the Gold Gate Bridge is in tact"
To look upon San Francisco in the latest film, I am reminded of a very good documentary made with the background of what would happen if at this moment the Human Race were to suddenly
How our great cities would turn into forests and jungles as the Earth itself takes back roads and streets even skyscrapers.
"Life After People" yes that was the name of the documentary scary stuff
Well the external sets of "Dawn of the Planet of The Apes" reminds me of the "Greening Effect"


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
And I didn't like It's A Wonderful Life.

Wow, really?? I thought everyone liked It's a Wonderful Life. I sure do. An American classic that pulls an 8.7 on IMDB. You're in a very small minority. Oh well, to each his own. :dunno: