What is the latest good film you watched ?

Three Musketeers (1973) and Four Musketeers (1974)


(though Gene Kelly's was pretty good)



I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe
Three Musketeers (1973) and Four Musketeers (1974)


(though Gene Kelly's was pretty good)


Both are OK but Gene Kelly's 1949 version is the best in my humble opinion. Watched it today. Kelly does his own stunts and swordplay.
Love this Movie
All today -

Transformers : Revenge Of The Fallen
Transformers : Dark Of The Moon

No, stop laughing.

I know they aren't, in the strictest sense, "good" films, but as a massive fan of the 80s and early 90s cartoon and original comics, there is so much enjoyment to be derived from these romps. Yes, there is too much time spent on the human characters, most of whom are incredibly annoying, faceless randoms flying planes get too much attention, some of the dialogue the human cast gets given is terrible and cliched, and the two sequels could both do with trimming 30-45 minutes from the run-time. But there are great heaps of robot-related fun and mark-out moments for fans of the original run like me. Can't wait for the new one, with Dinobots.


All today -

Transformers : Revenge Of The Fallen
Transformers : Dark Of The Moon

No, stop laughing.

I know they aren't, in the strictest sense, "good" films, but as a massive fan of the 80s and early 90s cartoon and original comics, there is so much enjoyment to be derived from these romps. Yes, there is too much time spent on the human characters, most of whom are incredibly annoying, faceless randoms flying planes get too much attention, some of the dialogue the human cast gets given is terrible and cliched, and the two sequels could both do with trimming 30-45 minutes from the run-time. But there are great heaps of robot-related fun and mark-out moments for fans of the original run like me. Can't wait for the new one, with Dinobots.

LAUGHING?!?! Curse you for disparaging my Transformers!!!
Seriously...from a guy who had to explain why The Color Purple was an uplifting story to so many people when it came out, the Transformers are so much fun, who cares if it isn't an equal to Gone With The Wind? Rhett never had a Camaro named Bumblebee...