What is the latest good film you watched ?


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The Searchers (1956)

Tough film for me to watch mostly due to John Wayne's character Ethan Edwards for his strong hatred of Native Indians. What struck me the most is that the picture is mostly about an obsessive journey. Ethan Edwards obsessive quest of finding Debbie. When Ethan Edwards finds Debbie and brings her home, I saw a lonely, hateful man with blood on his hands. At the end of the movie, the John Wayne character walks away and the door closes behind him; he has returned the lost child Debbie home but he cannot enter. If you want to look at "The Searchers" from a religious POV, the film resonances with Moses, who struggled through the desert and was not allowed to enter into the Promised Land.
and Dredd again :)

That film is fucking awesome, and I can't believe that it didn't get higher takings in USA - because of you guys, we fans probably won't see a sequel :(

Just found this on FB https://www.facebook.com/#!/MakeADreddSequel - sign up/like/share and hopefully we can create a following :) Oh yeah, and I just finished watching Dredd again (put it on the second I got home from work)


I'm so horny, even the crack of dawn isn't safe



Jack Ketchum's The Girl Next Door (2007)...not the Elisha Cuthbert movie, another with the same name (which was quite disturbing).